Chapter 8: Dante the Conqueror

It was time to train with Dante and I was really excited, but this was only a stepping stone to being the strongest. I had to wake up early, eat, and get to the forest. The forest was as quiet as it usually was and Dante was where I found him before, but he seemed to be frowning which was weird. As far as I knew Dante seemed to be a happy person, but once he saw me, he regained the smile that he always had.

     "I was starting to think you wouldn't come." He said looking really happy that I was there.

     "I just woke up and I came as fast as I could. So what are you gonna teach me for my day as your discipline." I asked him.

     "Swing your sword horizontally and vertically at full power 10,000 times. This will be the base for the skills that I will teach you. After enough swings your normal swing will be stronger than your old dual-calamity slash and will be about the power of my slash from yesterday." The way he said this gave me a chill through my body just imagining that kind of power put a smile on my face.

     "Ok 10,000 horizontal and vertical slash, alright. I think I can do that in one day." I said afterwards I got to swinging. The day went by fast and I barely finished the 10,000 horizontal and 10,000 vertical swings. I was drenched in sweat and still had to get back to camp so I told Dante goodbye and left. I felt accomplished by being able to do that many slashes without stopping. For the rest of camp, I swung my sword. The final day of camp was boring and I just ended up training with Dante. 

     "It is time for you to learn all the skills of Conqueror style, so get ready." As soon as he said this a message popped up.

     Message: Requirements met; Dante the Conqueror has given you the ability to learn his skills by viewing them.

     "Now you will be able to learn all my skills, so we're gonna be continuing our training for longer than usual." By the time we finished, the area that we were in was barren and I learned all his skills.

     "So will you come back to visit me or not?" His voice and face seemed sad when saying this.

     "You can come with me, back to the guild of Capricorn. I'll need you to train me. I'll be training during the day with the top 9 and I'll need you to get me to become stronger than them." Dante got a twinkle in his eyes and came back to camp with me and we started to make our way back to the guild. It was a long walk, but surprisingly Dante started running and he was pretty fast. This was the start of the real training to come.