Chapter 7: Master In the Woods

There weren't any strange events until the final week of camp. I was just training in the woods, a little deeper this time, when I heard a noise. I thought that masked bastard was back doing something, but it was someone else. The person was old and buff, but was sort of slim, as if he trained himself to be strong and swift. The sound I heard was from this old man swinging a sword at wood logs to slice them into firewood.

     "Hey, uh what are you doing here?" The old man looked up at me. I noticed that he had a scar on his face like someone had slashed him with a sword. The scar was across his face and was pretty big.

     "Oh, I didn't realize that this place was owned by someone. I apologize for cutting down some trees here." The old man's voice was calm and it didn't have a hint of spite. 

     "Oh I don't own this land and I'm not sure if anyone does. I just heard the sound of a sword and wondered who it was." I felt a change in the air as soon as I mentioned the sword.

     "So the sword was what interested you. Do you wish to learn from me?" I was wondering what he could teach me.

     "What can an old man like you teach me? You seem to be strong, but I don't know how much you can teach me." 

     "Show me your the strongest sword skill you can use. Then, I'll show you how much stronger the skills I can teach you are." Thanks to a certain inspiration, I trained to be able to use Calamity slash without needing lucky dice.

     "Use skill: Dual-Calamity Slash" The trees that were in front of me were destroyed.

     "Oh I see that you have a toned down version of my skill, but for now let me show you something basic. Use skill: Conqueror style- Basic horizontal slash." The trees were decimated farther and at a wider range than my skill. There was something special about how his skill looked. 

     "Hey gramps would you train me." He looked pleased when I asked him.

     "So when do we begin? Right now or later? Oh and what's your name?" The old man smiled at me happily and said,"My name is Dante. We will be starting at the beginning of the day tomorrow." After that he left and I went back to camp. I met up with Chloe and we ate dinner.

     "I met someone today. The person was absolutely amazing and had beautiful technique." Chloe stared at me for a long time and then said," Male or female?" I didn't understand why it mattered.

     "Does it matt-." She interrupted me quickly.

     "Yes it does matter. Now tell me what gender that person is ok." 

     "Ok it was a male and his name is Dante, but why does it matter. The gender of the person wasn't important to the conversation, or at least I thought it wasn't. So why does it matter?" She looked a little red, but said,"Don't worry about why it mattered so when will you meet Dante?"

     "Tomorrow in the morning. So what did you do today?" I asked.

     "I trained in alchemy and assasination a bit more. Then, I met up with a guy at dinner who is kinda mean, but has a good heart." 

     "Who are you talking about? Oh, did you meet someone else before I got here?" She flicked me on the head and started eating. I slept preparing for what the old man had in store. Honestly, I was pretty excited for what I was going to learn.