Chapter 11: Incomplete

It was time for the first day of the Guild Wars. The queen said that she would explain everything. She became the ruler of this land after she became the strongest and some say she could take on everyone even the 2nd strongest with no sweat. I want to reach her strength eventually and be even better. The assembly was going to start and everyone was waiting because apparently the queen had a problem with being on time.

     "Hey when is this queen gonna get here." The person next to me said. Everyone was starting to get angry for having to wait for 1 hour now. The room started to darken and weird music started playing. The queen arrived and her presence was similar to the sensation of drowning. 

     "You better be ready because the first battle starts as soon as I ring this bell. The only rules are no killing and one on one's for this part. You have to get 3 wins against another group of representatives of a guild so be ready. Now I'm going to go to sleep. Oh yeah and you'll be teleported to a coliseum after this bell rings." The bell rang and each group got together and got ready to be teleported to the coliseum.

     "Ok for this round let's not show all our cards let's start with Vicente followed by Chloe, then Shiro. Hopefully you guys have learned something. From all the training you got." George said looking at me.

     "So who's our opponent?" As soon as I said this a piece of paper fell into my hand and it said we were going against Hollow Scythe. The guild was infamous for doing some dangerous and cryptic things. Most people who look into it don't come back to tell what they are doing.

     "Well looks like your question is already answered. Hollow Scythe is the guild we have to beat." George said. The coliseum was huge and was separated into multiple sections on the paper we learned that we had to go to the first section. The people who were a part of Hollow Scythe always seemed evil but as soon as I saw my opponent I got angry. It was the person from the forest. The masked bastard saw me and even though he had a mask I could tell he was smiling. I tried my best to remain calm and got ready to fight him.

     "Isn't tha-" I interrupted George and he stopped. I left the stands and entered the arena. The masked man went as well and I could feel a smile because I was ready to kick his ass. 

     "So Chente have you gotten stronger than before. You seem to have gotten an temper." He said to me.

     "Are you talking about the forest incident or what?" I asked him, but he didn't answer that question.

     "You are still incomplete. Chente you haven't found your answer yet. You will never be able to live, if you are incomplete." The voice he said this in was unlike anything from before. I felt anger but sadness and that only made me angrier.

     "Enough talk. Use skill: Conqueror style- Basic vertical slash." He got hit by it, but something told me that he wasn't knocked out. The next thing I know he's  behind me and hits me to knock me out. I wake up later in the stands and I knew that I lost that fight.