Chapter 13: Last Orb

As George and I headed back we both were preparing just in case the plan didn't pan out completely.

     "Hey you want to know why I don't want to lose the Capricorn guild?" He asked me.

     "Sure why not, I'm guessing you know why I'm here seeing as you planned for me being here." I told him.

     "Well when I was young I didn't have any parents and was an orphan. It was ok there, but I would always wonder who my parents were. One day, I'm walking through the town by myself and I bump into the guild master of Capricorn. The guild master 'Santiago' is a very kind person and we talked until we reached the orphanage. Once he sees that I was an orphan he asks if I would like to be adopted by him and join his guild. Santiago trained me to be the strongest I could be. The day I heard of the Guild Wars I knew that I couldn't let Santiago lose the guild." George said and honestly his reasons seemed extremely noble. I never really talked to the guild master, but he did seem like a cool person to be around in the few times I talked to him. 

     "I'll try my best to win all my matches with you guys. I'll help you to make sure that Santiago keeps his guild." I told him. This made him smile for a bit. As we arrived, we saw that Sophia and Hailey were still not back, but no one was attacking our orb. We started heading towards the Neptune guild's orb which is when we heard screams.

     "We're going and what do you know about the Neptune guild?" George asked. 

     "Well it's a lot like our guild's 10, but not as strong. I did hear that they trained in a secret place during the few months we had before the guild wars. They apparently got strong, but to be able to beat Sophia and Hailey seems kinda strange. There have been stranger things that have happened." I told him. I hoped that scream wasn't what I thought it was. Once we got there 9 people were roped up.

     "So want to be my undead servant? Come on it will only hurt when you die so come and be my servant." Hailey said to the Neptune guild's 9. 

     "Wait there are only 9. Where did the last one go? Also stop creeping these people out. We can't kill anyone or we'll be disqualified. " George asked Hailey. Sophia was walking around pacing back and forth. The orb seemed to be intact which was weird.

     "Hey Sophia having trouble with the orb." I tried my best to make conversation. 

     "Hailey and I tried our best moves and even then still couldn't break the protective barrier. While we were busy doing that their number 1 escaped." Sophia said to me. She seemed friendly after I tried to better myself, but I still found all of this to be weird.

     "Was she really strong? If I remember correctly she is a ninja. Her name was Claire I think. " I told her. I looked at George and Hailey only to see that Hailey was trying to make George her undead servant. I think she just likes to have strong people as her servants which is weird when nobody really wants to die just to become someone's servant. I had to agree to be her servant when I died just so she could stop bothering me to be her servant. Although she gives me weird stares and tells me to become as strong as possible so when she starts controlling me, I'll become someone reliable to control and maybe even her go to.

     "Did she try and convince you to become her undead servant too?" I asked Sophia.

     "Yeah, everytime I see her. She really needs to learn how to not ask everyone to be her servant. She did help a lot during this fight. We should return to our orb and leave George and Hailey to try their best to break this one. I'm guessing that Neptune's number 1 is headed towards our orb." We headed back and I honestly wasn't too worried about George and Hailey since they were strong. On the way back I heard a sound and pushed Sophia away while getting stabbed by something. It looked to be a throwing star.

     "Are you ok?" Sophia asked me.

     "Well I'll be ok. The throwing star didn't go too deep into my flesh so I can just pull it out. I'm guessing that the number 1 that escaped is now here. Be careful." I told her while we got ready to fight. 

     "Hey Claire why don't you come out and fight us. If you want it to be fair I'll take you on 1 on 1 by myself!" I yelled.

     "Ok fine, but your friend can't help you out at all." Claire said, coming out of the woods with a chain scythe in her hand.

     "Ok so let's do this with weapons or barehanded?" As soon as I said this I got strange looks from Claire and Sophia.

     "Barehanded let's make this interesting." Claire looked confident when she said this so I wasn't really sure how I would win this, but I wasn't going to back down. As soon as the fight started we traded blows over and over, each hit got faster and stronger. The fight was over after we traded one final attack with hit us both into trees. I barely stayed conscious while Claire seemed to have been knocked out now.

     "Ok I did it. Let's tie her up and bring her back to where George and Hailey are so we can destroy that orb. Well if they haven't destroyed it already at least. Also that last hit kinda rattled my brain so which direction was it?" I asked her.

     "I think it was this way. Yeah it was come on we can meet up with George and break that orb so we can get out and eat at that really fancy banquet." Sophia actually seemed to smile when she said this which was nice.

     "Ok, I'm actually starving right about now so let's get this done." My stomach started to growl when I said this. Once we arrived, George and Hailey were trying to break the orb which seemed to work bit by bit. The orb was starting to crack.

     "We'll help you with that if you tie this one up for us." I said.

     "Ok, the rope is over here and why are you all beaten up?" George said once he saw how beat up I was.

     "Don't worry about it. Let's break this orb. Use skill: Conqueror style- conquista del cielo." The orb cracked even more. 

     "Let me help you with that. Use skill: Electrified Punch-1 million volts." Sophia broke the orb and we were taken back to the hall, where almost no one else was. Where the hell is everyone?