Chapter 28: What do I do?

I barely got any sleep and was practically out of it. I kept thinking about what Merlin said. I learned from Arthur that Aura has to be at the same quantity as your mana. Aura from what Arthur and Merlin researched is a combination of your spirit, willpower/fighting spirit, and the spirit of everything. Merlin learned that Aura is the closest energy to divine power. The more willpower or fighting spirit you have the denser and stronger your energy becomes. It doesn't increase the quantity if you don't absorb it yourself. Arthur and Merlin have been thinking of why the vision that Merlin saw was different compared to the circumstances I have. I have tried to shroud both holy and light magic onto my sword. We even tried it with just light or just holy magic which also failed. It just results in a black and white light and a weird feeling throughout my body. I kept trying, but it wouldn't work. Merlin said to just try to make a sword out of holy and light magic to fight for now. Arthur has had a depressed look since he saw what happened. I became even more determined to shroud my sword with holy and light magic. The same strange light appeared and swallowed me up. I was in a dark place with a dark creature that came into the light where I was. It was Leviathan, but he looked different, feral or threatening.

     "Huh so it was you. I'll just send you back. You have grown stronger and even unlocked some power I can grant. Well no matter." The voice that came out of Leviathan said. It was dignified and powerful. 

     "I got a question for you." I said as Leviathan roared. I stood still and got ready to fight, then realized that I didn't have my sword.

     "If it's about the imoogi that was here, then I absorbed its power. It changed my appearance a bit though." He said. 

     "That's not it. I want to know how to shroud my...or your sword with holy and light magic." I said. Leviathan started to laugh which caused a lot of wind.

     "You can't! I'm the devil of envy. You can't do that as long as I'm in this sword. When you get back check your sword and look at, closely. You'll see some differences in it's appearance." He said as he sent me back to where I was before. The Sword of the Leviathan had an engraving of Leviathan. The hilt did too along with a light blue crystal. I think it grew in size a bit too. I felt a bit discouraged as I walked back to my room since even Leviathan said that it was impossible. What do I do now?

2 weeks later

     I barely finished learning everything that Merlin and Arthur wanted to teach me. It was today we would face the black knight. Merlin and Arthur would fight too. I felt that this black knight must be strong if even with Merlin and Arthur had to join in. I still couldn't shroud my sword with holy and light magic so I learned demonic shroud from Leviathan which boosted me and made my sword stronger. Although even with all this I still felt kinda nervous to fight him. Once the sun came up the black knight showed up. He was in the training ground we practiced in as if he knew that we were training and waited to have a fight worthy of him. If he knew we were training to become stronger, then we might lose this fight. We didn't plan too much aside from a formation to cover all sides. The black knight didn't speak and merely waited for one of us to attack while standing. 

     "Use skill: Sub-Zero. Use skill: Magic Amplification." Shiro started freezing the body of the black knight. Every part of his body was encased in ice, stopping all his movement. He didn't move and I let my guard down, then I heard a cracking sound. Arthur and Merlin were taken out as Excalibur pierced a tree. 

     "Use skill: Lucky Dice x2

     Strength, Speed, Recovery, & Defense

    ×3              ×2       ×2.5            ×2

    Rebound= 3× power given. Use skill: Demonic Shroud. Use skill: Conqueror style- Conquista de Ilusiones. Use skill: Aura. Use skill: Weapon Eyes." I ran using everything I could to take him down all at once. The attack hit him piercing his armor and saw how many layers it had. I didn't pierce his body and got punched getting sent back losing my sword. I kept trying to fight him barehanded. I could even make a dent. George, Sophia, Shiro, Chloe, and I fought while trying to cover each other's weaknesses. The fight went on for what seemed like hours. Suddenly we were all pushed back by the black knight's aura and Sophia and Shiro got knocked out. He soon started picking us off one by one. I couldn't stop him and he was stopping me from getting my sword. I thought it was over when Chloe made multiple barriers between the black knight and us. My sword was on the other side and I couldn't think of what to do.

     "Vicente grab Excalibur! No one can pick it up, but me. I believe that you can use it. It's your only choice and hope." Arthur shouted as his face was full of blood. I ran over to Excalibur hoping for the best. I found myself in a space with nothing, but the color white as far as my eyes could see.

     "I am Excalibur. I choose the worthy to wield me. Are you worthy of wielding me." A voice said. I honestly didn't know whether I was worthy to wield a sword like Excalibur, but I had to fight the black knight.

     "I honestly don't know. My choices have been horrible until recently. I have tried to better myself and change for the better. I don't know if I am worthy."I said to the voice.

     "This humility and uncertainty. Do you know why others can not wield me? It is because either people treat me like a god to use me for their gain or want to force me into being their weapon of destruction. Some did seem worthy at first, but I get to choose that. Worthiness is decided by many and some could have different opinions on who is and isn't worthy. The ones who were close, but lacked what you and King Arthur had was the ability to recognize that you are not perfect and strive to be better, no matter what. It is a human concept, but many don't recognize or want to change. You, Vicente Cortez are worthy." Excalibur said. I was sent back to the training ground. I shrouded Excalibur with holy and light magic and got ready to out everything in one hit. The barriers were destroyed and he came at Chloe. I came at him from the side.

     "Use skill: Holy Radiance. Use skill: Conqueror style- Conquista Final." I felt every muscle and bit of power not be wasted in this one slash. I cut him in half in a flash. We had won thanks to a combination of things. I lost consciousness from everything (mostly the rebound).