Chapter 27: Camelot

Time went by in a flash and now I learned everything stage 2 of Conqueror style. All that was left was the skilless techniques and stage 3 of Conqueror style. I also went on some more dates with Chloe, as well as going on quests which got me a good amount of money. Sun even stopped by and I showed her around with Chloe. They didn't seem to get along, but Sun seemed to have fun at least. The Guild Master said that today was important since it would be a special quest only our team could accomplish. I was heading there with Chloe and George. We talked about what the quest could be, but still couldn't really think of what it could be. Once we arrived we met up with Dean and Sophia and headed towards the Guild Master's office. 

     "This quest will be an important one since it comes straight from a king from the kingdom of Camelot. He requests our assistance for a quest because his normal forces can't deal with it. Power only in numbers, I guess. Merlin is with him as an advisor, but they both have to take care of Camelot so get into the teleport gate and go." Santiago said. We prepared and saw Shiro by the gate ready to go.

     "Oi it took you guys long enough to get here. What Vicente too busy flirting with Chloe to hurry up?" Shiro said, with a smirk. I was about to punch him when George stopped me.

     "We're a team for now. Shiro wanted to meet Merlin to learn and Vicente, you could learn from Arthur Pendragon in swordsmanship. We'll be there for a while so get ready. They'll provide us with housing and food and the basic necessities. We'll help them with their problem and come back." George explained as we crossed through the portal arriving in Camelot to which we were greeted by two men. One with a crown, blonde hair, a sword, a regal robe, and no facial hair. The other had a dark blue robe, black hair, and a wooden staff. They were both maybe in their thirties. They were older than us, but not too old. 

     "Hello there, I am Arthur Pendragon the king of Camelot, the owner of Excalibur, I go by many names." Arthur says, putting his hand out to shake which George shook.

     "I am Merlin, the one who guides Arthur. The reason why we have called you here was to defeat the black knight. He is a person who comes back constantly even when Percival, a member of my round table killed him. You have to kill him because my round table is away on a mission of grave importance." Merlin said. We look at Merlin strangely at first. After a bit of time we got acquainted with the area and where we would live.

     "I have seen visions of you training with us. Shiro, Dean, and Chloe shall train with me and George, Sophia, and Vicente will train with Arthur. We won't be training the whole time with you. During this training, you will learn something and continue on your own while we're busy." Merlin explained to us. Well training is what I do best so bring it on. By the time we finished getting acquainted with the area as well as the long explanation, it was already sunset so we called it a day. We were led to our rooms by a butler and maid. The next day we all got together, but were then split up by Merlin and Arthur to train.

     "Ok for Sophia and George, you will be learning to concentrate and control your power on a specific part of your body. Then you will learn to concentrate your power on the entirety of your bodies. Vicente will be doing the same while also learning how to use holy magic/spells with your sword and without." Arthur explained to my group. 

     "So by learning this we'll be able to beat the black knight? Is he really that strong that we have to train for 2 days." I asked him, as he unleashed an aura which would make many kneel. It was something pure and suffocating, but Sun seemed more powerful even suppressed without doing anything. I was able to stand it without much work.

     "This is aura and it's like mana. Mana is akin to physical energy while aura is more spiritually based. Once you learn how to use aura it becomes like a second well of power and if you add mana to that it multiplies your power by 2 or more times. You have to start sensing it first to even absorb it. Once you mix this power with your own you will be ready. Well that and learning the holy and light spells for with and without your sword." Arthur told us. We were to meditate and try to feel a power that isn't mana. They were very similar, but different once you learn their capabilities. Sophia was able to sense it and within an hour so were George and I. Arthur was impressed saying it took him a day to figure it out, although he also said that he was distracted by his wife. They were recently married and were in the honeymoon stage of their relationship at this point. They were apparently all over each other during this time. He also said that she was gone, but not dead. I didn't pry any more than that since I found out that she was no longer with him and he looked upset talking about him. Once we stopped trying to absorb aura, Arthur told me to stay while Sophia and George left. 

     "You will first off be learning the magic spell 'Light Pillar'. Soon you will learn to add the holy or light affinity to your sword." Arthur said while touching my sword to which he looked out of it until he grabbed me and took me to Merlin.

     "I see so you defeated Leviathan and his power was imbued into your sword. You say you unlocked up to level 4 of its abilities. Well in my vision you were using holy or light magic on your sword so what does this mean?" Merlin said.

     "Maybe your vision was incorrect or you missed something." I said. Both Merlin and Arthur shook their heads.

     "My visions have never been wrong before." Merlin said as they sent me off. Those words echoed to me as I slept.