Chapter 35: Village of Weapons

"So we're all off now huh?" Chloe asked as I only thought about how much of a drag this was going to be. 

     "Yeah kind of sucks, honestly. I never wanted to go to the village, but looks like I'll need to. So you got everything ready?" She nodded as we met up with my grandparents and Katherine who were waiting outside of the gate. I still wanted to stay, but traveled with them as we reached a waterfall after a week of travels. I thought that would be a secret passage in the waterfall as Clint and Amy walked through it.

     "So there is a passage behind the waterfall that seems kind of cliche." Chloe said. 

     "No actually there is a portal that reacts to the blood of a Weapon Eyes Clan member and opens up. That reminds me, you should hold on to Vicente while you enter." Katherine jumped into the portal as I picked up Chloe in a princess carry which surprised her.

     "Let's go!" She smiles as I jump in with her and look around to see a place that looks like another world. There were machines which were powered by people which looked to use their mana on it. Crops were being watered as I saw more things I had never seen and then I spotted my grandparents with Katherine and a few people who I had never seen. They turned to me and did the same thing that my grandparents did and tackle hugged me. Was this just their way of greeting people they met or something? They finally let go as they introduced themselves as my uncle and aunt which would make them my mom's sibling right? 

     "So who is young lady here?" Fred, my uncle, and Sara, my aunt, asked. 

     "She's the person I love. So can you show us around this huge place?" They grabbed our hands as they showed us around before we even realized it. We learned about the machines and about the world here which was made using three people's mana reserves completely which led to their death. This place was made and the Weapon Eyes Clan moved into here and stayed ever since to protect the outside from something which they didn't really elaborate on. So there was something about a ritual that could doom the planet which is why I have to stay here, that's about all I got from when my grandparents came to get me and from uncle and aunt. Chloe theorized that might be why the people who were interested in me that we found out about on our last quest had something to do with that ritual which made sense to me. The corruption still hasn't been removed after not using any of the skills which honestly makes me vulnerable to the same thing seeing as Tere could make me use the skill without my consent. They may have more skills like the one she used on me which kind of frightens me as they could apparently destroy the world if they can complete that ritual. We slept as we would continue exploring and meet up with the head of the Weapon Eyes Clan, who's apparently really strong. Chloe woke me up by jumping on me which hurt a tiny bit as I got up and ate some food before heading off with her to explore more of this place. They advanced in magical technology way more because they weren't constantly fighting like we were back where we came from. They decided to improve their lives with magic tech and by increasing their intelligence to figure out more ways to improve lives. I had to say that they did impress me with this since I imagined an old village that was not even close to developed as this was. Some of their magic tech was something I wanted to take back with me since they still couldn't convince me to stay here for the rest of my life as everyone I care about stays back. Once we arrived at the clan head's place, which looked like a dojo, we went in as we saw him in his place training. His Weapon Eyes were activated as he was moving pretty fast and switching weapons constantly and moving without wasting movements. He looked to be only 5 years older than me, but he moved like an expert. He turned towards me as he raised his sword and charged at me as I dodged and punched him. 

     "Good you aren't weak at least. My name is Shawn and I am the clan head as you probably know." Shawn put out his hand which I grabbed until he flipped me on the ground. I realized that he wasn't too bad, but I wasn't even close to full power so I pushed him off of me and got ready to fight him. 

     "Use skill: Weapon Eyes. Use skill: Conqueror style- Fury of the Sword Hand." My hands cut him in many places as he tried to block my attacks to no success since this skill made my hands similar to blades. I stopped when I almost hit his eye and saw him panting on the ground, pretty much drenched in sweat and some blood. His clothes were pretty messed up too as I put my hand out to pick him up as he tried to throw me onto the ground again, but I didn't let him this time as I stayed in the spot I was standing in. Shawn looked desperate as he looked to use a subtle skill as a fireball hit me in the stomach which didn't work since I was immune to heat or fire. He used another which was a wind spell which did blow me back to give him some space as he healed himself back to full power. He seemed to think that he could win now since he was now in perfect condition, but didn't work since even though his movements were faster they weren't enough to beat me. He still tried until I got bored and decided to show him a tiny bit of my true strength since he seemed to exhaust his skills, which I copied. 

     "Use skill: Demonic Shroud. Use skill: Dragon Infusion. Use skill: Demon Infusion." My power explosively increased as he bowed his head towards me.

     "Ok you win!" Well that was kind of anticlimactic.