Chapter 44: Day 1

It was safe to say that I was frantically looking everywhere alongside everyone else, but thankfully we found the Knight of the Round Table soon enough. We were already starting to panic about how the plan had been ruined, but we thankfully found the correct place. Sir Lancelot, Sir Galahad, and Sir Percival were the only ones there, but they seemed to know about everything when their faces brightened when they saw us. We introduced ourselves while asking about why there were only three knights in the room. They were already in battle since it did take us a good ten to twenty minutes to arrive at the right places, so some of them left since they were impatient and couldn't calm their will to fight enough to stay in one place so far from the action. I was pretty excited since the Knights of the Round Table were famous and multiple books and stories were made about them. I have no idea what to act like in front of these legendary knights, but George started telling them our plan and we prepared our weapons. We were the main attack forces that would be the first people to attack, or that was the plan, but we were all separated at the moment. The rest of the Round Table had left the battlefield to wait for the rest of us there, so we brought everything we would need to the battlefield while King Arthur and Merlin stood with the rest of the knights along with his army ready to attack the enemies. The huge army probably numbered in the ten thousands if not the hundred thousands, but this didn't completely convince me of this being an easy battle for us. I could only see a huge black armored army on the horizon which did seem a bit cool, but they would all be gone by the end of the week. I would make sure they would be utterly destroyed, for some reason seeing the army calmed me down to the point of having nothing, but the thought of winning in my mind.

     "Charge!" King Arthur's voice boomed and passed through every single person here. We charged at each other and I could already feel that we were way stronger than the army we were up against. More than half of them died, but soon a black flame appeared in front of us and charred multiple of our troops. The black flame was dispelled by both Merlin and Shiro which started our attack again, but something seemed different as the dead bodies of our enemies were gone with the remaining soldiers being way stronger. We took on as many as we could before getting pushed back quite a bit, even I was a bit beaten up although I didn't want to go all out on the first day to not be at a lower fighting power later in the war.

     "Back Off!" We left and the first day of fighting was over, so Dean and Sophia went to work as guards to watch over the army that could possibly attack us. I sharpened my sword while helping with the strategizing, but I could feel a strange presence close by that seemed to be watching and listening to our plan.

     "Use skill: Weapon Eyes." I figured out how to add effects to my Weapon Eyes. A skill I copied added onto the Weapon Eyes and allowed me to see through some cloaking skills and illusions so I started scanning the room which everyone seemed to pick up on, but didn't comment on. I found the person listening into our conversation and threw my sword at them which caught their cloak and caused their cloaking skill to turn off. Everyone appeared in front of the masked person and took off their mask, revealing a feminine face which we all pointed our weapons at.

     "LET ME GO!" None of us recognized her, but from the design on her mask, I could tell she was with Johnny and his deranged followers.

     "Give us one reason." Lancelot said. She tried to get my sword off her cloak and even ripped it to get away, only to be subdued by Percival and I. 

     "Tell us your name and who you are under!" King Arthur said with a look that could pierce diamonds.

     "Go to hell! Use s-" Chloe put a restriction that took away her ability to use skills while we only increased the pressure on her. I eventually paralyzed her with another one of my Weapon Eyes effect. We got off her once we tied her up and I kept my gaze on her which she took as an opportunity, "You like what you see? I'll give you a peek." I heard a sword being unsheathed and saw Chloe being 2 inches away from our prisoner's neck.

     "He's taken, he's the one keeping you paralyzed." I had to admit that she did seem a bit cute here along with a bit scary. We kept watch of her until Merlin made her drink a potion which made her tell us everything that she knew about the enemy forces. They were planning to set up a bomb under us and around Camelot which would be when they continued their attack. They would retrieve the Dark Grail from the place we had it and use it to continue their goals, so we decided to make some countermeasures from what we knew. We had to use this as a way to win the war early to not suffer any casualties, so we started plotting our next plan of action with this new information which seemed to be the best possible option. We would go to the locations of where the bombs would be at and deactivate them while setting our troops behind where they would attack to surprise them and, hopefully if all goes according to plan, end the war early. The sun rose on the second day of the War of the Dark Grail and we prepared to enact our plan which everyone had fresh in their minds.