Chapter 71: One Time

[Vicente's POV]

     We were all teleported to the battlefield, as we saw the hellscape that was made by the being...the thing that was ravaging the entire world. 

     "You got the last fight George, so make sure that you keep up your stamina. If this is the last time we fight like this, then we'll fight with everything!" We all smiled, as we turned towards the field. Hidden subordinates and followers all came out of hiding, as their numbers were in the thousands. They were each empowered, as the being wanted to make this as slow and enjoyable for it as possible.

     "Use skill: Dragon's Wrath. Use skill: Hell Laser." Two beams of energy were shot, taking a good chunk of the other army. Gods, swordsmen, mages, assassins, people of all backgrounds were fighting for their world. For the entire multiverse, we were giving everything we had. It was known that this being could destroy the entire multiverse with ease and you would need equal or greater power to destroy the being, but the being took its time so they could enjoy the destruction of the first planet before destroying everything. I saw multiple people charge at the Gods, as we fought and fought. There would be no breaks for this war and so we would have to fight until we either all died or saved everything. I saw a sword about to slice me in half, as I dodged and saw the perpetrator. It was the one man I needed to stop and beat.

     "Come at me, Chente!" His sword was black and his body had black veins everywhere. His body also had white veins that pulsated in times when the black veins didn't, as his eyes were animalistic. Jonathan was stronger and felt like he was bursting with extreme power. It was divine energy, he was a God.

     "Use skill: True Conqueror Style - Primero Conquista. Use skill True Conqueror Style - Yin-Yang Dragon Slash." The techniques hit his blade and destroyed it, as Jonathan created another. He had no chance in this fight.

     "You failed! You've lost! This story has come to an end! I knew that you were nothing! You were nothing! You are nothing!" This dumbass already knows he can't win, so he's just here to bring down my morale. 

     "Why? Why did you do all this?! We're all going to die if we allow you and your buddy to destroy everything! What was the reason!" He kicked my chin, "Because I felt like it! I don't need a fucking reason dumbass!"

     "Yes, you do! You evil douchebag!" I headbutted him, as I knee-ed his gut and sliced his chest. I held both of my swords tightly before looking him in his eyes.

     "Why would I need a reason to want to fuck everything over?! It's just my nature, if you really want one!" I grit my teeth to the point of them possibly cracking, "That isn't a reason either! You were a stupid, horrible bastard before, but you weren't like this before! What happened to you!?" He bit my arm, with his remaining teeth since I had knocked out three. 

     "Life and Fate betrayed me! My mom died and my dad had to raise us until your mom came along! You came along and dad loved you as much as us. We came first and yet you were the only lucky one to survive because of some stupid luck! You're blessed by Fate while Miguel, My Mom, My Dad, and My Sister were all cursed to die so you could become strong! So that you could have some sort of hero backstop! So you could be a hero, but Tere and I were given a chance to get back at Fate and we took it!" I sliced his legs and arms, as they bled, "You think it's my fault that you all died! MY Mom had eyes that other bastards wanted! It's not my fault that we were all too weak to beat that asshole! It's not my fault that in your eyes I was chosen to be a hero! I'm not a fucking hero! I chose to become a better person because I wanted to Try Again! I didn't ask for this!" I took a deep breath, as I knew that I had a clear shot now.

     "Use skill: True Conqueror Style - Segundo Conquista De El Conquistador." Space itself distorted, as the slash cut through the very planet. Despite this Jonathan was still alive, but was quickly dying, "See you later Little Brother. . ."

     "See you later, Dumbass Big Brother." I looked up at the sky before turning my attention to the final boss.