First encounter

"Oh, great ... a lowclass silly race, just great" thought Jill, "let's try to agree, if not ... then" ...

In his right hand he squeezed a magic staff in his left holding a nut, or rather it was a thing similar to a nut but possessing the properties of a real grenade, made using crystal powder, black sand and a couple of other chemical ingredients, according to a family recipe that has been transmitted to the Jane family for many centuries.

She herself squeezed two such nuts in her hands with her palms turned back, so only her clenched fists could be seen from the front.

Hearing the clatter of hooves and the fact that they were noticed, Jill decided not to run because it would be very problematic to run away from his horses, and given their nature, running was somehow not in his rules.

- Just be ready

- Got it ...

Jane squeezed her black explosives tighter and waited. If that I still have a barrier dust.

"I think all be right, but be paranoid in life-dead situation never was a bad thing" Jill muttered and waited for the creatures on horseback to approach.


-Maybe they do not understand what you are saying?

"Look at them. El they are kind of low," Francis said quietly.

Do you understand what they say to you? he said louder.

Jane heard some words, but only continued to blink stubbornly. Jill kept up and blinked even more often than his wife.

"Maybe they are just very dumb," said Dex.

"You don't have to judge by yourself buddy - I could not resist and snapped Francis."

-Yes, I love you! ..

-Well, that's enough - take them to understand the estate.

Francis and Gregory drove up to the dwarves and gestured to the saddle and horse.

Jill and Jane obviously understood, but were in no hurry to sit down.

Still do not understand or are afraid ..?

-Well - El pointed to the sword and then shook his head - Guys, lower the bows and weapons, they will not follow us if we threaten them, and it does not seem like they have something to answer.

Rather, they resemble ordinary villagers or hunters, at least, but certainly not some military spies.

And what do you think the spies look like? -Adet asked, squinting.

-That's right, usually, inconspicuous.

-Anyway, let's figure it out in the castle.

After a little reflection and seeing that the riders removed the weapons, the dwarves decided to go.

Clutching their outstretched hands tightly, they famously jumped into the saddles.

The trip was quick and silent until the family of the Olans was no more than 20 minutes on horseback.

Having passed the main gate, they stopped, dismounted and gestured to the dwarves at the door to the spacious hall.

-Nuts with you Jane? - Yeah ...

-Don't be afraid, I think everything will be fine, but I think they don't understand us as much as we do them. You need to try ethereal tobacco otherwise there may be problems.

In my opinion, they already appeared in our place, Jane remarked.

- Yes, but it's not so bad, but it can get worse - you need to agree.

Hey, what are you talking about? - Dex muttered.

- Okay, let's see ...

Having reached the center of the hall, El asked his guests to "sit down" on the chairs that his servants had brought. They brought everyone a massive oak chair, covered in red and black lacquer. The chairs formed a circle - two gnomes against the Viscount and his comrades - on the left and right sides.

The gaze of knights sitting on heavy but exquisite wooden chairs decorated with carved calligraphy was fixed on two small people sitting opposite.

The wife began to fidget slightly in the chair from the discomfort hanging in the air. The male part of their family took a pipe from his pocket and leisurely fell asleep inside some kind of ground mixture. And set it on fire.

- What is he doing?

"Dancing," Dietrich said shaking his head slowly.

He sat with his arms folded in his lap and with his sharp chin resting on them, he gazed at the guests of the castle. The calmest and most experienced fencing teacher in the castle.

- AAA ..! Are you kidding me ?! I'm serious! "Dex blurted out, unable to restrain himself.

- Apparently decided to smoke and calm the nerves. By the way, it won't hurt you either ... Haha. - could not resist Francis.

- You're finished young man!

"Well, that's enough ... El has already begun to lose his usual patience. When his friends from the personal guard naughty among themselves - this is one thing. But when they did it in front of two strangers who, moreover, could have turned out to be enemy spies, it looked like a loss of dignity, as a leader and commander.

The knights fell silent.

The smell of spicy grass and oranges slowly spread through the hall.

"Don't you find some strange tobacco?" - It was a rare case when Dex voiced a common opinion.

Francis was about to prick this statement to the peak of his wit, but Al's fiery gaze killed that desire in the bud.

- Maybe he's a sorcerer? - Noticed Adet.

"Ha ha, look at him, I'll rather believe that you are a sorcerer than this dwarf." Said Bart with disdain.

- What is he doing, he asked, without addressing anyone specifically Adet.

"Probably decided to calm his nerves," Dex concluded.

- Good afternoon. - Interrupting the cheerful conversation slowly, but clearly said the gnome.

The gaze of knights sitting on heavy but exquisite wooden chairs decorated with carved patterns was fixed on two small gnomes. Jane began to fidget slightly in her chair, feeling the sizzling glances on herself, which caused her considerable discomfort.

The male part of this duet, slowly took a pipe from his pocket, put some kind of grinded mixture inside and set it on fire.

- I hope the "acoustics" began to act and you can understand me.

The knights involuntarily flinched and automatically reached for the arms of their swords. Jill quickly raised his right hand, urging them to calm.

- How did you manage that? Are you a wizard or an evil sorcerer? - asked Al.

- Answer! And it's better for you to tell the truth, anyway, sooner or later we will find out everything. - Strictly, but calmly interrogated the Viscount.

- Neither one, dear. I am an ordinary gnome, a little versed in science and technology. All my relatives who have had a chance to get such an education can cook Orange Ac or Acoustic Repeater.

It only takes time, ingredients and a good alchemical laboratory at hand. I dare to ask, do you really have nothing of the kind? Studying waves in a relatively loose environment is a pretty exciting experience ...

"Don't you dare ask questions to His Highness!" - Dex sharply chopped off him, getting up from his chair.

- Here we ask questions!

- Enough cool. We are talking with our guest - El being a reasonable person, he decided to use a more diplomatic approach in this unusual situation.

"Uuff. And so a lot of problems were still missing two wandering wizards with ambiguous intentions ... But if they do not wish us harm, then angering them is not a good idea. This can only lead to unpleasant consequences, both physically and morally ".

The knights at that time closely studying two little people, a bearded peasant with a pipe in his hands, from which smoke was curling in a thin stream and his companion with beautiful and deep eyes, finally decided to speak out.

- We need to hang them soon ... - As if by chance suggested old Gregory.

"Or burn it," Dietrich said.

"You can hang it first and then burn it for fidelity" - Francis giggled cheerfully.

- Oh yes, a wonderful plan ... Enough. I want to first hear the answers to my questions, and until the reasons for their stay in our lands are clear, no one will burn anyone. And hang too.

"Your wisdom calms," the dwarf smiled.

-Obviously, your comrades are a little skeptical about me. You can be sure that our motives are completely peaceful. My wife and I are ordinary travelers and wandered into your places quite by accident. We have been in this world not so long ago and are trying to study it without creating any conflicts.

- Who you are? What does it mean in this world that you are not from these lands, cannot you be the messengers of heaven or hell?

- Well, on the account of hell, I would argue ..., look at this pipe, it also glows in orange, where did you see this? It's just some kind of bearded demon.

"Are you a demon?" - asked ...

- Honestly, I do not know who it is, so I can neither confirm nor deny the statement of your friend.

We call ourselves gnomes, judging by my modest observations of you and the comparative analysis that I conducted while we were visiting you, our differences are in the dialect, the development of science and technology, outwardly natural growth, I don't know about the functionality and design of the internal organs, but given the color of your skin, like you, we have blood circulation. I hope I have described our differences in as much detail as possible.

- Hmm, you resemble small mens in the circus, only do not speak as if you are a doctor or an aristocrat. I hear dignity and pride in your words.

What rank do you occupy in your society?

- I'm an engineer ... Hmm, how would I explain? I solve complex problems when a question arises for which there was no answer before, I come up with something new. Pretty respected post you know...

"Sounds like an adviser," the old man said.

"So you're an adviser?" And who is your king and where is your kingdom?

- There is no king, the power system works for us a little differently.

A meeting of people decides, each of them was selected by the gnomes of a certain territory, as their representative. This is the advice of thirteen. There are all wise and respected people. make decisions, but no king. And about where the kingdom is, we came through a rock passage northwest of here about three days' journey ... Honestly ... this is really magic that I can't even explain...

- We studied this moment, but did not find an explanation for the appearance of this spatial tunnel. Perhaps it lies on the other side, in fact for this we are traveling to find out the reason for this portal.

Jane wich, never intrerupted her husband, now filled with some strange courage decided to speak.

- Who gave this woman a word? - Dex started. Jane's eyes widened at first, showing genuine surprise, then the expression on her face began to change gradually, taking on an increasingly frown.

-I'll ask you to be more polite with my wife, for the first time during the conversation the gnome's face took on a serious expression with a slight tinge of hostility. Until that moment, if he was relaxed and calm, like a bear, and even laughed slightly at heart at the nearness of these savages, now he was ready to use his staff to demonstrate strength. For such behavior, Jill considered unforgivable and unworthy, especially in relation to his beloved.

Where does this chauvinism come from? My wife has the same title as I, and in some matters, she is even more competent ... If I hear more harsh remarks, we will personally speak differently. At the word "differently," the gnome's dark green eyes threw sparks.

"Ha ha, try your luck dwarf," Dex grinned, drawing his sword.

The dwarf also got up and hit the ground with his staff on the ground. A wave of air interspersed with blue sparks scattered on all sides. The knights involuntarily stood up and grabbed their weapons. There was a long pause.

-Enough! - Elistart Olan was the first to break the silence.

- No one wanted to offend you adviser. While we are not in a quarrel, there is no need to shed blood. And you ... Sit down and shut up.

You are a gnome too. I will not tolerate such behavior in my home.

Judging by the appearance, young Olan was determined. Many of those present knew his strict nature and sat down, Dex frowned scabbling his sword and thumped into a chair with a roar.

"Always fair in decisions and relentless in anger. True ruler." Adet thought to himself.

"I raised him well," thought Gregory, pleased to himself, smiling.

Jill sat down. Jane's hand stroked his shoulder slightly, he turned to her and smiled. Silent gratitude lit up her sweet face. She smiled too.

The gnome sighed and laid his staff next to the chair.

- And you say not a magician! - joyfully, as if nothing had happened Francis began.

- Hah, I immediately saw through you, nothing will hide from me! But I think you are still good, because Dex is not yet jumping on the floor, like a toad or some kind of duck. Although it already resembles something in between, but what to do, as they say, they don't choose friends ... Ha ha ha

"I'll kill him someday," the ranger whispered to the big man.

- I will help to bury. - he answered shortly. Dex nodded and did not answer.

"Why did the adviser not immediately admit to owning magic?" - continued the interrogation of Olan.

- You can call me Jill Aren. And about the magic ...

I think I've already told you - this is science and many of my contemporaries are capable of this. Of course, much depends on talent, but every gnome has basic knowledge.

"The land of magicians" Adet muttered.

- Hmm - * (old man)

- Well, I think this can complete the first stage of our acquaintance. Please hand over your magic weapons and other dangerous equipment - I promise your things will be safe in my castle. Nothing will disappear or disappear. At the end of your stay with us they will be returned intact. Oh yes, there will be dinner in the evening. You are invited. Presence required.

"We don't have much choice, as I understand it?" Jane remarked, slightly curling her lips in a smile.

"You do not want to offend the hospitable host Madame?" - the viscount answered with the same cunning smile.

"Of course we will come." Thanks. - concluded the debate Jill.

After a pause, the Viscount added: "I am Elistart Olan, the ruler of these lands and I care about the lives of my people. Therefore, I do not want to take risks, but I will not blame strangers for no reason either. Even if you are sorcerers, while you are not plotting anything against mine countries - we are not enemies. Who knows, maybe we will even become allies. Fate sometimes brings us pleasant surprises. Dinner will be at 7. Hmm. I think the wizards themselves know the time, but out of politeness and considering your words about another world, I will order you to be escorted to the hall at the appointed time.

Sentinels - take them to the guest room on the second floor. Let one of you stay in guard of the safety of our guests, but you, Olan nodded to the second guard, tell the servant to accompany our guests to dinner at 7. As for your things, I will save them personally. "

After taking a few thoughtful puffs from his pipe, Jill got up and headed toward the Viscount. Smoke emerald clubs easily tumbled out of his unusual obsidian pipe. The knights also stood without releasing the hilt of their swords. Stopping in front of Elistart, the gnome picked up the pipe in his left hand, and with the right solemnly held out his staff to him.

- Thank you for inviting us mr.Elistart, we will definitely come. You are wise beyond your years. Hope you can be trusted.

Sad Jill giving his staff to El.

- Mutually advisor Aren.

On the way to the room, Jane talked quietly with her husband in their own language, completely incomprehensible to the rest.

- Do you think it was wise to give them staves and backpacks? I didn't like that big man and old man, they wouldn't think long if it weren't for this young nobleman.

- Yes, I think so. But do not worry, in extreme cases, what we have to protect ourselves with. Although I think that will not come to this. Intuition suggests that they are good people, albeit super-suspicious. Obviously there is some kind of internal conflict in the surrounding lands. Feel the tension in the air. For now, we will observe and act on the circumstances.

"Well, you know, I never thought it was so exciting ... Being a traveler," Jane remarked with a gleam in her eyes.

- Yeah ...

"Oh, these women, the more problems and the more dangerous, the more interesting they are. Sheer headache. Where is my pipe, good tobacco all the same, hmm ... But ale is what i really missing in this trip, let's look at dinner what these barbarians drink there. Heh."

Two hours later ....