Clash at the night

It seems a few minutes have passed. Loud screams and noise outside the window woke a couple of travelers.

What is it? - the gnomes instantly woke up and put down chairs and climbed to the window.

The usual height of their growth did not allow a good view of what was happening on the street. In the courtyard, the guards went there and lit torches on the wall. Further about 3-4 hundred feet behind the wall there were already archers on the outer wall and an infantry garrison in the square.

Even further Around two kilometers after the external fortifications, screams were heard and the silhouettes of people running towards towards the fortress were visible.

- Nothing is visible, please get our Visors.

"Good," Jane fumbled in the pockets of her clothes and pulled out two small oval boxes.

By clicking on the runic symbol in the middle, they increased in size to half a meter. Now, they resembled real telescopes that pirates use in their raids. With no big exceptions. These were oval, completely resembling the shape of an eye.

"Oh, that's so much better." - Satisfied mumbled Jill.

- And these guys are serious

- There are women, what a barbarism.

- Darling, this is a backward race, obviously they are used to solve all issues by force.

- This Olan seems more reasonable ...

- The exception only confirms the rule. Jill said firmly. Here that other clearly draws a picture of the majority. Strong and stupid.

- Oh, this is all very unusual.

- Yes, I understand me too. A new world, not at all usual ... A real adventure.

- Smiling, Jill winked at his wife.

Ordinary artisans and farmers, who on horseback who walked, fled from armed men in leather armor. Obviously, due to the difference in equipment, ordinary people could not oppose anything to a planned night attack. They had no choice, but at least trying to escape.

Meanwhile, Adet with a small detachment had already left to meet them ...

A dark brown quiver tapped lightly behind him. Another 15 people of the same harsh appearance with a cold expression were driving towards the attackers.

- Bows for preparation, fire at will.

Adet reached for his weapon, gently releasing the reins. Rangers in his squad knew how to aim and shoot arrows without stopping. Such skill of a rider-shooter was considered the highest level and only the best trackers possessed it.

His right hand barely touched a nice tree, as his fingers clenched and an arrow with a thin whistle flew forward. The other 15 arrows followed. In the distance cries of pain and surprise began to be heard.

More than 50 robbers were taken aback by this attack. Adet's squad had not yet approached, and they already suffered significant losses. Tarlide, seeing that the situation was taking a bad turn, intuitively began to give instructions for retreat.

- So you will remain to restrain the enemy until reinforcements arrive.

-Yes captain!

- The others will surround them behind me!

Horse riders began to ride after the captain, and the remaining pedestrians stopped chasing defenseless citizens and began to prepare for the approach of the Viscount detachment.

All of you are behind her, after Tarlide moved away from his footmen, he purposefully began to lead his people back to the left, describing the arc.

"But sir, aren't we going to attack the enemy ahead?"

A young guy of about 20 years old dressed in ordinary leather armor asked approaching the commander.

Aloud his head fell to the ground even before he could understand what had happened. The expression in the eyes froze not even of fear, but of surprise.

- Still have questions? Retreat!

"Naive guy ..." - thought Vike to himself. He was over 30, an experienced warrior who went through many battles and managed to understand well the harsh and sometimes painfully unjust character of capitan and the head of the border lands - Baron Tarlayds.

Will we chase sir? asked the gray-haired scout with a beautiful carved bow and a green quiver.

His hair fluttered in the wind and it looked like he was not racing on a horse, but floating on a ship.

He looked so calm and dignified.

- No my friend. We'll get the pedestrians home. Then regular patrols will sort it out.

James commanded the three archers to follow him.

The standard practice of protecting the main unit, which this old warrior developed many years ago. Now Adet was the main one, but everyone knew that it was James who was his mentor and truly the first shooter of the entire east coast.

Left without the support of cavalry, the foot wars, of which there were about twenty, could not hold out even ten minutes against the best detachment of archers.

- Guys will not be reinforcements, run!

"The Baron threw us!"

-Back everything back! ..

But it was too late. Arrows flew one by one and soon they all lay dead in various poses.

The smell of night and blood merged in the air into something mean, eerie and raw.

"I don't like these sorties," said one when they returned to the castle.

-And me. No income, a couple of arrows and even that of poor quality.

-I am not talking about that. My wife is waiting for me at home, and here I wave my onions ...

-This is your duty brother.

"Unless it's so ... I wish I had slept better." Believe me.

-Willingly I believe. You are that idler. Ha ha ha

And the trackers already smiling and relaxing a bit returned to the castle.

- Clean. Resume patrols. Hand out torches. Vigilance does not weaken. To perform.

- Yes, sir!

The sergeant respectfully saluted and ran to the regular detachment of soldiers to give appropriate instructions. This detachment was assembled from citizens, farmers, sellers and carpenters, there were even some thieves and crooks who preferred to serve a couple of years in the army rather than sitting in a city dungeon.

And so, all this incomprehensible rabble, accompanied by an experienced officer - Sergeant Pike - went on night watch.

-Oh, I don't trust them ... Processed John. The lanky soldier in shabby armor with the emblem of an eagle said.

- You can keep them company. - James cut him off.

"I personally want to sleep, if you are not, then go ahead. Soldiers will feel calmer next to the ranger."

"No thanks, sir." John answered clearly. * And why only asked. All this is my long tongue *

- Good for today, everyone is free. Tomorrow's meeting at 10. Don't be late. - Adet jumped from the horse and went straight to the Viscount's chambers.

He naturally did't slept and was expecting him.