Tour de la Francis

And then began the entertaining and informative everyday life for the dwarves.

At first Francis went around with them the whole castle, without failing to glance even in some of the bedrooms to the maids. Those cried out loud when they saw uninvited visitors but did not say anything. They could not disobey the order, not only the Viscount, but even Francis. This was the rank submission in the Middle Ages.

During the inspection of the castle, Blondin chatted and chatted, while telling either important information or not very personal stories of his own. When he turned to the theme of his love affairs, Jane smiled involuntarily, and Jill tried to translate the topic. In fact, he did not know to cry or laugh at him, this very Francis was eccentric.

Something with this guy is clearly wrong - Jill thought to himself - everyone somehow looks at him strangely and even whispers. He or the best agent who knows how to manipulate people and find out any information or a complete nerd judging by what he says.

- What do you think about our new guide? - he asked his wife.

- I think he's pretty nice, but sometimes he talks too much.

- Yes, I would say that he doesn't say much, he simply does not stop this endless stream of consciousness.

Very weird type.

- Come on. But look how positive and open he is! Cheers up everyone who sees him!

"It's a fear of catching madness!" -muttered the dwarf.

"Haha ..." - Jane laughed, but didn't answer.

After the Dwarves and Francis came out, the Viscount sat down with a deep sigh in his chair. A silent Gregory stood nearby and shook his head sadly.

- Not only strange mages at the our lands, but they also led by the most nonchalant person in this kingdom. Oho ho ... I'm too old for all this.

"I think they make friends" - El said hopefully.

- Yes, my lord, I also hope so ...

Stables, bedrooms, a guard room, a market square, hills by a river in the west behind an external wall - it seems this fun company managed to visit all the main and not so places of these lands.

Jill muttered very interestingly.

And Jane just enjoyed every detail of this unusual world, starting from buildings and soil, ending with people with their clothes and manner of communication.

Interesting people ... And what about technical ravity in the rural homeland - i see you have a lot of peasants - Jane suddenly asked.

- Can i make a look at the devices with which you cultivate the land?

- Mm I think this is not a big deal, let's go.

This is a terribly boring thing, but if the lady asks. And he nodded slightly to Jane, never ceasing to smile.

"Looks like this guy has no problem at all." I didn't see such cheerful people even after the triple slaughter cocktail from the old "Dada" in the "Three Peaks" tavern ... A happy man ...

And they, following another story from the life of Francis, followed into the central barn, where tools for plowing and other agricultural materials were stored.

This time, having passed his hand with the words "these are tools," the blonde nobleman decided, that this explanation was quite enough and began to tell further a funny story about how he "accidentally" shot his friend Dex from the bow into the thigh ...

- Yeah ... it becomes clear to me why he is so disliked by that tall bastard ... obviously this crazy fun guy is not so harmless... hsehehe...

Jane, smiling easily, carefully examined the construction of primitive devices :"Yes ... it's still worse than I thought."