Chapter 11(16): Dragged away by a Mad Hatter Part 2


The sun has set about fifteen minutes after my little experiment, the temperatures dropping way bellow the freezing point. I drew the rune for fire in the air,it glowed a soft yet brilliant red before a blue flame flickered to life on my palm, its ends fading to black. It warmed the surroundings and myself also lighting everything up. The sky was clouded by grey clouds, the moon blinking lazily through gapes every few minutes as I walked the empty streets. That looks like a hardware shop. Maybe it has headphones? And perhaps even a phone.

'Seriously?' Lily asks me.

" Of course, I like music and we have more than an hour and a half left before Edward comes to pick us up,unless I manage to actually cross back over to our dimension. The phone is something I'll use to record Razé's songs when he plays. And perhaps to even take some photos,though we could probably buy a communicator for that once I graduate,but still." I say trying to convince Lily that this is a good idea. When I stepped in to the darkened room I lifted my palm and scanned to space for the dead, found one! But he was tied behind the counter and to a chair, wearing a shirt in a language that vaguely resembled Norway. I picked a shotgun up from the counter top and spun it around for inspection.

"Wow,nice piece you got here, Chief? Mind if I use yiu for target practice to test if I still got my aiming skill?" I ask the dead shop owner. He growled in answer, I smiled cutely.

"Thanks,Chief!" I say and backed away slightly.

'I thought it was simply to get headphones and a phone? Not to play around with such dangerous weaponry.' Lily says with a sigh, she sounded agitated,can't exactly blame her,these creatures give me the creeps as well and now with the darkness descending....that feeling has been increasing. I aimed and pulled the safety down before shooting....nothing but air. I blinked,it didn't even hit the wall behind the dead. Huh,my aiming is really off. I strapped the gun to my back before glancing around. Ah-ha! Found it! And it's red to boost! I grabbed the headphones and a flat object that resembles a phone before spinning on my feet ready to leave....but the dead was not in his chair.

' Oi,Lily where'd it go? I didn't sense it move.' I frowned in confusion allowing my mana to span out and search the room, letting the fire flow higher above my palm until it hovered over my head. Lily appeared beside me, glancing around wearily.

' I don't know. But I suggest we get to higher ground before it finds us, like you I have a feeling these things are more than what meets the eye when the moon rises.' Lily says frowning instead of her usual smile....that bad huh? I twirled around only to find the creature right behind me.

"Wowsers!" I gasp and stumbled back the flame flickered slightly above me, the creatures neck was tilted in an unnatural way,his eyes a colour unlike the hazy white from the sunlight hours,but a blazing red. What is it and this colour always tormenting me?! It seemed to be more conscious,more intelligent in the moon hours, because it stared at me in a calculative manner. It had its claws curled in a way that said it was ready. Aww man, these things are far freakier than I thought. Well Edward did warn me! It lunged, so swiftly that it may have passed as an Elementors if not for the fact that hadn't had any skin and it was struggling to keep itself from falling. Infusing wind magic to my feet I took off passed him and right out of the hardware store.

"SORRY I DON'T HAVE CASH ON ME AT THE MOMENT,CHIEF!" I shouted over my shoulder and quickly drew a blue rune in the air, it lit up and launched me in to the air, I reached down and grabbed two of my daggers from my boots before sticking them in to the sides of the building as I came down. I gave a relieved sigh at the height I was at, at least those creatures can't climb.

'Do not jinx us,Asher.' Lily warned me.

"Oh,Come on?! What's the chances that they coul-" I paused when I heard the faint gurgling and growling sounds coming not to far bellow me. The dead from earlier launched on to the side, its claws somehow digging in to the side of the building.


' You've jinxed us.' Lily and I both said. I kicked off of the walls pulling my daggers free before plunging them in again. The thing climbed faster than I did cause it was almost halfway up to me. I eyed the rune of fire that still flickered near me.

"I might as well." I mumbled before inclining my head down,the rune followed my motions and soared downwards,just under my feet before shinning brighter, an inferno of fire plunged on to the creature but unlike earlier where the creature would be incinerated the damned thing still climbed.

' You have no choice now! Draw a rune or array for space and get your ass out of here,Asher!' Lily shouts in my head making me flinch from the pain.

" Ugh,I can't because I don't know any space runes! Edward never draws his, he can do it without his runes!" I shout as I increased the pace that I climbed at,my heart racing as I began to think of other ways to get out of this situation. Perhaps water magic?

'That won't work. Make up your own rune,Asher! We need to leave now!' Lily shouts again as more dead gathered from both above and bellow. Sherbet!

' If I make my own rune I'll probably destroy this place!' I yell back ignoring the pain as I swung my body to get further away while still climbing.

'So? It's not like Edwards gonna find it again,plus this place has no human races on it,at least not living. It's a mercy compared to a life of roaming around without any purpose!' Lily says. Grinding my teeth together as the dead finally caught up to me, it reach out with one clawed hand, I yelp in shock as it grasped at my ankles painfully aware of its nails digging in to my skin. I raised my ankle and rammed my heel in to its eye sockets.

" GET. OFF. Of. ME. YOU. DAMNED. DEAD!" I shout hitting it repeatedly with my boot with each word I got out.

'Asher! Damn it! Don't ignore me!' Lily says.

"Ugh! Whatever!" I shout in response before kicking off of the walls, sheeting my daggers in my boots,as the dead reached out towards me. I began to draw. A circle,a line that runs through it, a star that surrounds it and the finally a spiral that binds it. I imagined the library, Edward's office and the comfe chair as my landing spot. World. Bridge. Gates. Space. It glowed a mystic dark purple, a portal of black and purple with stars drafted in it opened under me and I fell right through. Landing on something irresistibly soft. I moaned softly and leaned my head back only for my pleasure to be interrupted by a certain someone clapping his hands. I drew the rune for air without thinking. A book the size of a small box flew from who knows where and knocked Edward right off of his chair. I pursed my lips to keep myself from laughing, and then I paled as I remembered that he already was suspicious about me, but there was absolutely no way that I would allow my appreciation for Edwards 'help' not show, even if he was suspicious.

"That's for nearly getting me killed and throwing me in to a place unprepared. Those things are freaking fast! I could have died and that would have been your fault, you know!" I yell indignantly now standing but shook and feel back. Oh crap! I got scratched. Edward sat up shaking his head a small smile on his face which quickly vanished when he saw my ankle.

"What happened?" He asks as he moved towards me, he knelt down and held my ankle up for inspection, I yelped out in discomfort as his finger brushed gently over the claw marks.

"Your friends that's who. I'm not sure if that would cause any infections or something like that but all I know at the moment is that that hurts!" And I dare say more than the fires from my bridge. Edwards hand lit up in a soft awua blue glow, a rune had been drawn before I could react. Water wrapped tightly around my wound, I felt it course through my entire leg removing the burning sensations that traveled up and down from the claw marks, I believe it to be the way you turn. The water seemed to do more than remove the impurities,it cooled me down more than a relaxing day in front of the Smith or in an open meadow would which also made me sleepy.

"You still have an hour left. Rest. And please don't tell anyone of what I did. I didn't know those creatures would be to hard for you to handle." Edward says as he rouse to his feet and walked out of his own office. I blinked,was he implying I wasn't strong enough? I know I'm weak at the moment,but I'm not inferior to those who have been training for seven years to be here,so calling me weak was uncalled for. I purse my lips and leaned back in the chair.

' It's true,we are weak,Asher. Even I, am not as strong as we were in our previous lives.' Lily told me.

' That's because we're still new to this one. We'll grow stronger in our powers again and I will learn more about my new ones as well. But in this life,let's not concern ourselves with strength to much,no? Just relax as much as we can and have fun while we could,it's not every life that we get to spend with our true friends. After all they are the only ones who weren't disgusted by us because we are bound.' I say as I leaned my head back and closed my eyes.

' Nhn. Do you think you'll be in the same team as your first life?' Lily asks.

' Probably not. I hope not as well. I don't like any of them, all of them have sticks up their butts and think to highly of themselves.' I yawned as I replied. Lily stayed quiet. I could hear the distant sound of birds, probably from the cherry blossom tree and the gardens. It was relaxing,in the warmth of the room of the person who had been my friend the longest. 'I also hope to be his bodyguard in this life as well, though he did throw me in those dreadful dimensions often, it was still exciting to be around him.' I mumbled before falling asleep, whether I said it aloud or not, eludes me.