Chapter 5

    The rest of my ride was uneventful and rather bland at the figure vanished from the seat next to me. The time seemed to pass slowly as I waited for. The plane to touch down in the city I had made my home for time being. The lights of New York City glittered below in the distance as we flew to the air strip located on the outskirts of the city lit by the small lights embedded in the runway. As the plane touched down it lurched from the impact making my glass of water splash up and soak me with its contents.

      I growl and once the plane came to a stop I stood up and pulled my bag from the overhead duct and made my way soaked to the skin off the plane my intention to just head home. But as it turned out a agent from OIUS waited for me at the landing strip to herd me to headquarters for my report. Sighing I walk over to the young woman with flaming red hair dressed in a dark blue suit watching me from behind dark sunglasses. She spoke in a cold voice as she adressed me 

"Agent Rosen I am Agent Rose I am here to take you to head quarters and get to stay on what you saw in the tomb where the explores were found. Please come with me Agent"

      I nod and walked with her to a dark town can my suitcase dragging behind me as I watched my surroundings.the glom of the city I had decided to call home loomed in the air as the rain hit tue pavement. I had known this wasnt over and my report would be used and I would be sent again to be studied. This day was just going to get worst for me I could just feel it.