Chapter 6

     Once I was in the town can the him of the engine was the only sound as we made our way through town the rain pelting the window as we crept down the street. The city seemed to sit waiting for a great tragic Eve yet to happen but already morned. Once we pulled up to headquarters I looked up at the dismal dark gray building with a sigh and got out of the car the rain pelting my head like a spray of ice.

       As I walked up the way to the door Agent Rose followed me her dark sunglasses making her look a bit like the Terminator as she walked to the door opening it for me. I walked in trailing water on the dry cold floor my eyes scaning the room as I was guided deeper into the building under the close watch of the unfeeling cameras. The room I was guided into was cold and steral adorn with a single metal table and two simple and by apperance uncomfortable metal chairs.

    I took a seat and sigh waiting foegue agent to come take my report as I scanned the blank walls going over every detail I could remember from the tomb. A short stocky man with unkept black hair walked in his suit in disarray as he sat down. He reeked of coffee and strong pipe tobatto his teeth were stained a ugly yellow anf his eyes bloodshot as if he hadn't slept for weeks. He spoke in a voice roughened from years of smoking his tone one of disgust.

"Agent Rosen tell me what you saw in that tomb and everything on the site. I don't have time for games so be precise and to the point woman"

    I looked into his face and glared giving my sharp remark leaning over the table my eyes glowing with my disgust and rage.

"I do not aprove of your tone Sir but I'll tell you everything I saw"

    He flinched under my gaze and my harsh tone i used and sat back in his chair. Content that I had his attention I gave my report with every detail I was able to remember down to the finer emotions I felt. He scribbled down my report in slopy hand wrighting and shoved his hair back dismissing me I the care of tue science team who would do a total examine to ensure the dust I breath was just that. As I walked with the team a cils feeling spread through my body like a cold wave fortelling more then I could know.