Chapter 18

   Several of the men charged at me like wolves after prey as I struggled with the rope that bound my hands. The rough rope bit into my skin making it raw and red from my fruitless struggles. As they neared me I lashed out with sharp kicks till a sharp strike in the back of my head made everything go dark.

    When I woke I was bound at hand and foot my haor covering one eye. Fang sat across from me his muscular shadowy form shimmering before me as he chuckled and said

    "Well now darling looks like you've gotten yourself into some deep trouble"

      He stops and taps his chin thoughtfully his eyes burning with a near demonic light of anger

     "Or your precious OIUS has set you up my dear. Now why would they send you to hostile territory blind if they didn't have the intention of getting rid of you?"

    I let my head fall as I looked down at my busty chest. It did seem a bit strange that we were ambushed so soon after landing. My eyes darken with a deep unnameable emotion as tears filled my eyes. I knew when they learned I was immortal the unsspeakable torture I may endure would leave a scare on my mind and body. Fang chuckles and walks out of my view behind me before whispering in my ear

    "I could set you free but in return you have to do something for me. Make the strip your battle feild I wish to see the concert run red with the blood of the men who have taken you hostage"

   Even though my mind screamed in defiance I nod my head rage clouding my judgement. What would follow would haunt me forever