Chapter 19

    Fang chuckles darkly the sound enough to send chills down your spine as the rope went slack around my wrists sliding away from my irritated skin. Once freed I set about freeing my feet my focus on the task of undoing the tight knots that held me prisoner. When they came undone I stood up and walked toward the flap of the tent and walked out into the sunlight my mind clouded the only clear thought was what I had promised to do.

     Once the light hit my face I stormed over to my weapons belt that lay on an overturned crate picking it up and strapping it back onto my hip where it belonged. Turning I closed my eyes and listened to the loud roar of the men celebrating in the huge army control tent. I smile and walk over my eyes gleaming with malice as I pulled my knife from its holster. Once at the tent I slipped inside where the men were inside laughing,singing,and drinking themselves into a stupor. I grin and walk up behind the largest of them before lanching myself onto his back making him cry out and flail about trying to throw me off. But he was unable to due to the fact that before he could I slammed my blade into his thick throat and slashed across severing the artery so blood sprayed the room like a fountain painting the room crimson. Then the screams started.