Edgelords Will Be Edgelords

Zaber and his group arrived at the eighth floor. It was a shocking experience when they first saw that before them was a vast underground jungle. They had set up a base near the entrance because there was an orb nearby.

"On this floor, we need to take notes of everything that lives here. Any dangerous plants or monsters and if we can try to map out this jungle."

With that Zaber and the three others took off into the jungle. The flora and fauna of the jungle completely amazed them. Flowers as large as small houses could be found. The panthers gave them some trouble, but they were still easily killed. Once the day started to come to an end they headed back to the camp.

On the second day, they encountered some kind of winged reptiles. After a short but hard-fought battle, they managed to kill the creatures with only one with severe injuries.

"That should be good let's pack up these monsters and..." Zaber had trailed off as something had caught his attention.

"Can you guys feel that? It feels like the same energy that we felt on the day of the manaquake. New orders you three go back to base and wait for me. If I am not back in a few days leave the dungeon."

With that, the other 3 headed off back to camp and Zaber activated his stealth and tracking skills and ventured further into the dungeon.

It's been a few hours since he left on his own. He had already started to see signs of some battles. Large carnivorous reptiles had been slain and part of them had been carved off. Following the trail of destruction for a few more hours he had finally found its source.

Off in the distance, he spotted a young girl with black hair, wearing some kind of black leather robes or dress. She appeared to about fourteen or so and looked like she had never seen the sun before. She was fighting a large black cat with two tails. She appeared to be using a crude spear of some kind and was knowledgeable in water magic as she was attacking with water blades. The fight was short-lived as the cat was easily killed. Whoever she was, she was quite good.

He had followed her a bit more, curious as to who she was. The aura emanating from her was thick and ominous, he could tell she was dangerous.

During the few days of tailing her, he had come to the conclusion that she was somehow related to the demon lord that was felt. He didn't know if this was their lair and this was simply a training ground or what, but he knew that she needed to be eliminated before she could get stronger.

Luckily for him, his stealth skill was one of the best in the empire and there was only one other who could detect him. He also had trained extensively in assassination arts and tracking due to him being the next head of his clan. This was how he was able to get his mithril rank.


Allynna POV

I had noticed someone was following me for a few days. I wasn't sure why they were or if they were from the dungeon or from outside. I didn't like them following me like that, it gave me the chills. I used just some basic spells and my spear to fight any monsters I came across; I didn't want to reveal too much to some unknown entity in case they turned out to be hostile. This also meant I couldn't take any baths either.

After putting up with it for three days I finally decided to call out.

"Hey, you! Why are you following me?"

There was a moment of silence as I peered into the underbrush. After a few moments, there was finally some movement. A man with black hair and eyes emerged. He was wearing just some sort of leather armor that looked much better than what I was wearing. I could also see he had two daggers on his back hip.

Oh? so he is your typical assassin/rogue type huh?

As if he knew I was in thought he spoke to get my attention.

"Wow! Truly impressive. I didn't think you would notice I was following you."

Even the sound of his voice made me cringe, it was just so condescending and full of himself.

"Yeah. Noticed three days ago."

After hearing that he burst out in laughter.

"Ha, so for three days you just led me on to believe I was being sneaky. You truly live up to name as being from the Demon Lords army."

Wait? What? I knew what Teona told me about the Demon Lord, but seriously? This?

"I think you are mistaken I'm not part of no Demon Lord whatever."

"Cut the crap. That aura that you are emitting screams evil. I was debating on whether or not I should kill you, but seeing as you discovered me, I have no choice now."

Crap this is not good I have no idea how strong he is, and now I have to fight him? I decided to us my appraisal on him to get a feel for him. I never fought with another person, so I don't know how strong I am compared to other people.

Name: Zaber

Age: 26

Level: 1

Race: Human

Class: Assassin (??????? Clan)



HP: 760

MP: 1295

STR: 32

END: 20

AGI: 104

INT: 16

WIS: 19

Holy crap! He is pretty strong. I have better stats than him but that AGI is way over the line. Also judging from the question marks, he is part of some clan. I really hope it isn't something stupid like a hidden village tucked away in some remote forest where everyone runs like they got broken arms or something.

"Do we really need to fight? I'm not doing anything to you, and I haven't harmed anyone. So why the hostilities?"

"Do you really expect me to believe that? After seeing your aura, I know for sure just how evil you are."

Argh! Fuck my life.

"Fine you want to be that way, then know what happens next is in self-defense."

Just as I finished speaking, he disappeared from view and was right next to me. With barely anytime to react I bring up my spear which was sadly snapped in half and I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder and in my side.

I jumped back and look down at my wounds and see I was in fact stabbed in my right side and in my right shoulder. Damn this guy is pissing me off.

I quickly do a quick heal to my side seeing as how that is where most of my vitals were at. I look back at him just in time to see him disappear. Knowing he is coming I use shadowstep to go where he once was.

Glancing at the area I once was, I can see confusion in his eyes for a moment before he spots me.

"Oh, so the little kitty has some moves. It's been too long since someone dodged my blades."

This arrogant asshole needs a good old fashion ass-kicking.

He disappears again and I shadowstep. This continues on for a bit before he finally starts to catch on to my destinations. Even so, I still keep it up trying to minimize the damage he does to me.

"I am disappointed. I thought you had the same speed as me, but it turns out you are just cheating with some kind of weird teleportation magic. I have already seen most of your magic anyway. Your fire and water magic are useless, I'll just dodge it."

He wants to make fun of my magic and call it useless...fine I got something for him. I stand there silently casting my spell as it needs a bit more concentration to perform what I am about to do.

For this spell, it only works on targets as long as they are in the area, so I have to immobilize him somehow. My STR is higher than his so I should be able to hold him, I hope.

I tried my best to dual cast shadowstep and my new spell. Which was way harder to do than I thought it would be, especially under his stupid attacks. I probably looked like a pin cushion right now. Thank god my END is high, and I can take the abuse. I saw a notification pop up, but I ignored it as I was too busy with the edgelord assassin.

Once I start to feel my spell near completion, I throw my knife at him as a distraction and shadowstep behind him. As soon as I appear, I quickly grab from under his arms and wrap my arms around the back of his head. Simultaneously I also kick in his left knee and stand on it to hinder his movement.

"Hey! You said you can dodge my spells? Well, dodge this."

With my final silent incantation, I cast my spell. The thing with wind magic is that everyone in this world just thinks it is some mysterious force. Kind of like water but just flowing around everyone. Well I mean technically they aren't wrong, it just more complicated yet simpler than that. So, using what I know about air aka oxygen, I decided to pull the ultimate dick move.

I removed all oxygen in a 2m radius and envelope myself in a sort of protective film that was oxygen rich. Of course, the film was only exclusive to me and would not allow my opponent to draw in any oxygen. The edgelord just gave me a confused look, wondering what was going on and how was I able to overpower him. It was quite funny to see him trying to breathe, gasping for air while also trying to escape my clutches.

"You...*gasp* were the...*gasp* Demon Lord."

Through his gasps, he could only spit out a few words. In a desperate attempt, he tried to slash at me a few times, but it was weak.

"I told you that whatever happens would be in self-defense. I had no quarrel with you, yet you sought me out anyway."

He started to turn blue as he collapsed on the ground. Deciding to not take any chances I walked over and grabbed my knife and broken spear. I then pierced his heart with the spear, a few moments later the light had left his eyes.


You leveled up!

I decided to view my level up later. Using this opportunity, I searched his body for anything of use. I found a little hip satchel and once I peered inside, I got a notification.


This bag has a storage enchantment on it and contains some items would you like to transfer its contents into your inventory? Warning: Items that are unable to fit will be materialized around you.

Without any hesitation, I transfer over the items. I found that most of the items were healing potions of some kind, some materials, spare clothes, and a bag of what is probably this world's currency. Some of the coins had the picture of dear old dad on them, I am also guessing the other people were probably past emperors. I decide to store the bag in my inventory before I was met with another notification.



Storing a dimensional bag inside the inventory will cause a reality collapse proportional to the spatial enchantment powering the bag. Calculating damage....damage calculated. Reality collapse size 100km.


"Hell no! Abort! Abort!"

I stood there for a moment trying to calm down my pounding heart. After seeing that, my life flashed before my eyes.... again. I then proceeded to collect anything else I could on the body before leaving it to the wildlife. At least I got some cool daggers, they look kind of unique though so I should probably sell them or something to get rid of them.

Once done I sit down and decide to allocate my attribute points and check my stats. I decided to put my points in AGI and END. After that last battle I realized that if I come across any other fast opponents, I won't be able to keep up. After everything is allocated, I look at my new stats.


Name: Allynna Vassedras

Age: 11

Level: 86

Race: Human?

Class: Arcane Curseweaver



HP: 4959

MP: 8514

STR: 50

END: 67

AGI: 65

INT: 56

WIS: 43



Multicasting LVL 1

Yeah, my stats are really beastly. Why did I level up so much? At this point I don't even care anymore, higher numbers are good, which means I am getting stronger. I am also glad I got that multicasting skill as well; I should probably level that one up some too.

After closing my status, I think about what that man had said before. He said he had found me due to my aura and said it was evil. Teona also said I should work on suppressing it too. I should probably do that if I am going to integrate into society.