
It had been a few days since my fight with the would-be assassin. During these days I had practiced suppressing my aura but haven't had any luck as of late. My main goal right now was to find the boss on this floor. If there is no boss or the floor is simply too big, I will then just leave.

In my free time, I started to experiment with some of my arcane spells and have kind of come up with classifications for them. There are a lot more spells than what can be learned or created that I don't know yet. So far, I have made the classifications of illusion magic. Still trying to figure out what to call spells like my fireball and whatnot, maybe I'll call it" blow shit up". Thinking about it now, but it might be fun to build a school or something and teach people arcane magic. Sure, would be a shame if I know this cool stuff and people can't appreciate it because they don't know or understand it. But those thoughts are for later.

After slotting myself with a few arcane spells to use for the day I continue on my way through the jungle. So far, I have only run into the same creatures but no boss yet. I decided I was going to practice some of my arcane spells while I am roaming around. I usually just use regular mana-based spells as they are more flexible and easier to cast but I really do like the power behind my arcane spells.

Thanks to my proficiency in arcane magic there are a few spells I can cast at-will without having to prepare them each day. This was another classification I have started to come up with as well. I know the previous owner of the books I owned had their theories and classifications, but I feel like mine will be improved.

For example, one of the spells I can cast without preparation just shoots some kind of force out of my hand and is strong enough to crack wooden planks. I have decided to call these 0-level spells, I got the idea from a game I have played a few times in my past life. Following this method, I have labeled my spells from 0-level up to 6th-level, seeing as that is the highest, I have at the moment. I have a feeling I will be altering a lot of terminology and whatnot as I continue to grow my magic.

Once I have collected my thoughts, I continued my journey into the forest experimenting with my arcane spells on the locals. What I really need is a way to silent cast my arcane spells and without having to do gestures. There were some spells in the books that need components for the spells, but I have avoided those for the moment.

After my hunting spree, I have collected enough materials I could possibly make something. I didn't collect anything from the merfolk though, there is something about skinning a creature that much too closely resembles a human that I didn't like.

When the day neared its and I was eating dinner, I had received a notification.


A Vampire Lord would like to be your familiar. Do you accept?


"Huh?" In my confusion, the large chunk of meat I was eating had fallen out of my hands.

"Wait, what is this?" I started to look around trying to see if I could find where this vampire lord was at.

Why is a vampire wanting to be my familiar? When did I even encounter a...? Don't tell me, that weird vampire on the previous floor isn't actually dead? Maybe the dungeon resets its floors after a while? I will have to investigate this later besides I don't know if I really want that weirdo following me around. Can I save this notification for later when I have an answer?

I try to mentally visualize myself saving that message in a folder in my head and to my surprise it actually works. Yeah, I will save that for later. It is best to ignore troublesome things until they explode in your face. The rest of the night after dinner I practiced hiding my aura. It was going well enough; I feel like I have almost grasped how it works.

I have spent the next week and a half exploring the jungle looking for any boss but I have determined that if there is one this floor is just too big to effectively search for it. I did manage to finally learn how to hide my aura, it even came with a skill free of charge. It is also my only max level skill.

Seeing as how I am done with this floor for the moment, I decide it is time to leave the dungeon. Thanks to my handy mini-map DLC I can easily find the entrance to this floor. Running at full speed and taking only the necessary breaks, I finally reach the entrance.

Arriving at the entrance I find what would be the remains of what was a camp. The remains were strewed about with no signs of the original inhabitants. My only guess could be this was the group with that assassin, well it's not my problem.

Walking through the destroyed camp I finally arrive at the dungeon teleporter. I placed my hand on it and choose the first floor. I once again experience the slight vertigo associated with the teleportation but arrive on the first floor with no issues.

Excited to finally leave the dungeon I head towards the exit and leave...except I don't leave. Standing at the entrance to the dungeon I am shocked to see a full-fledged town growing in front of the dungeon. I see buildings and various people in different kinds of armor walking around.

To my right I see a man in heavy-looking armor walking up to me.

"Hey, you! Who are you? I don't recognize you. How did you get in the dungeon?

Crap now I need to come up with something.


Teona POV

I have been bored for quite a while overlooking my home world. The misfortune there just isn't the same as it used to be in the past. Most of the other deities in that world ease the burdens of their followers.

Ever since hell was disbanded and heaven made into some lobby for souls to collect and reincarnate everything has been different. The whole system was created to replenish the deities that were dying off. I say dying off but really it was just a permanent retirement. They just entered into reincarnation and chose to lose all their memories and live a mortal life.

Since there is also no more hell the demons and devils have been forced to flee to other worlds to eke out a living. My world, in particular, has been invaded by these beings. They are not inherently evil, but they do hold grudges and can act in extremes.

Because of their nature, they clashed horribly with the denizens of my world and waged a 200-year war cycling through many Demon Lords in the process. Eventually, they were finally beaten back, and their remaining numbers retreated to a different continent and walled themselves off from the rest of the world. Shame I couldn't collect misfortune from them since they are considered celestial beings.

Angels were a bit luckier since heaven wasn't destroyed, they were allowed to stay, although they are now just glorified secretaries. Many angels that were upset over this or felt that the denizens of hell were treated unfairly left heaven and had become fallen angels, many of them living with the demons in various worlds.

I spent most of my time in heaven visiting shops and talking with the other gods. The currency used in heaven is based on a deity's power. The more they have the more they can buy, so to speak. Today I was at a coffee shop waiting on a friend of mine. I was probably one of the few deities that treated angels with some kind of respect.

I was sipping my coffee just watching the people around me go about their lives when a bubbly voice finally called out to me.

"Yoo Hoo! Teona!"

I look over and see an angel wearing a short pink mini skirt, a white t-shirt with a pink jacket, and some pink high heels. I only sigh to myself, that girl's fashion sense was never the greatest and she always chose colors that would burn out your retinas.

"Hey, Selariel. I see you chose bright colors to wear again?"

"Yup! I had to. At work, they don't allow me to wear stuff like this and I was stuck in this awful black outfit that I really hate. I sooo need a good coffee right now. Work was killer today."

Selariel simply motioned to a waitress and ordered herself a coffee with whipped cream and every other kind of monstrosities in it.

"There was a massive influx of souls from Earth#1337 today. The worst part is that all these deaths were unexpected, so we were short-staffed today."

Sipping on my coffee that I drink just black nothing added, I responded.

"That is a bit strange. I know that if there was an even like that usually there would be notifications"

The rest of our time was spent with idle chit-chat before we parted ways and I went back to my world to my dreary world space.

Several years had passed since my meeting with Selariel and during this time I had noticed I was gaining a steady flow of power, more than I normally gained. I was curious about this, so I decided to investigate.

It took me several months to find the source, but what I found was a child that was the daughter of the local emperor. What really struck me as strange is that this child had a type of divine curse that brought misfortune, more than the cursed reincarnation that I sensed on her. This would require some more investigation.

I headed back to heaven and contacted my friend hoping to gain some information. I decided to meet up again at the coffee shop. While enjoying my piping hot beverage, a familiar yet annoyingly bubbly voice greeted me.

"Hey, Teona! So whatcha need?"

Sitting my coffee down I pulled up a chair for Selariel.

"So, there is a mortal in my world that is quite peculiar. They have a cursed reincarnation, yet they also have another divine curse on them that gives them further bad luck. I was wondering if you could look into this for me."

Selariel closed her eyes and thought for a moment before answering me.

"I can look into it for ya buts it's gonna cost ya. You will owe me six peanut butter parfaits."

"Deal. I'll meet you here at the same time next week then?"

"Awesomeness, I look forward to my parfaits."




One week later I was back at my usual coffee shop sitting with Selariel.

"So, what information did you get?"

Selariel was devouring her parfait and gave a disappointed look when she had to stop enjoying it to respond.

"So Allynna Vassedras her name is now, used to be a male named Jesse Owens. The crazy part is several years ago when we had that unexpected tragedy on Earth#1337, there were two Jesse Owens that died that day."

Selariel pauses to wipe her mouth with a napkin before continuing.

"The weird thing was that there were no files regarding either male or female Jesse. I know this is weird because I vividly remember escorting a female Jesse Owens. So, I did some more digging and while there wasn't a paper trail anymore there was still a trail of some sort."

I was slightly shocked. There was defiantly something fishy going on. Selariel then continued.

"So, after some more digging, I came across a conversation between two demi-gods. They had pretty much said they had screwed and mixed up two people and gave them the wrong reincarnations. So, they tried to erase any evidence that they had messed up."

With this piece of information, everything made sense. Allynna has that curse because she suffered extreme bad luck while in heaven as a soul. I don't know why but I feel like I should help her.

"Thanks, Selariel. If you get a chance, could you collect any evidence of this so we can bring it to the Elder Gods for review."

"Yeah, no problem. Don't know how fast I can gather any though. So, it might take a while."

After our conversation, we went our separate ways. I went back to my world and decided I was going to watch over Allynna.

Some time had passed after a confrontation with her sister where Allynna was 'Killed' and dumped in the forest. I saw this was the best opportunity to get in contact with her. I have decided I will make her a disciple, someone with two divine scars such as her is bound to enter godhood at some point in life. Before I meet with her though I need to figure out what kind of blessing to give her, after all, she has given me quite a lot of power back. I will also use her to create a following for me in that world so I can continue to live comfortably.

I have been continuing my watch over Little Lynn as I call her in my mind, it would be too embarrassing if she found out otherwise. So far, she seems to be able to survive on her own pretty well. She had a few close calls, but she did eventually discover the little house that 'He' used. I should probably help her out a bit in learning how to read. Those books in that house will no doubt be useful to her.

I continued to spend my time with Little Lynn. I am starting to feel a bit conflicted now. I feel like there is something more between us and it scares me. She is a mortal and I am a goddess, eventually, she will pass and forget about me. Should I nudge her to divinity, or should I let her live her life as she pleases? Both options hurt my heart. I started to play video games more often as it makes me feel closer to her because it was something she enjoyed in her past life.

I had a chat with Lynn today she is going back to that dungeon to conquer it or at least the floor that had harmed her. When I saw that I was furious at both those goblins and her. How could she do something so stupid? What if she had died, I don't think I could have handled that well. I will watch her closely as she goes into the dungeon.

Lynn had fought a vampire in the dungeon. The vampire had made me angry because she wanted to take Lynn away from and tried to turn her. But instead she got stabbed in the face while in mid feed. That was probably one of the funniest things I had seen. I think I was also laughing because I was relieved that she was not under the control of that vampire. Though I am now sure that Lynn is no longer human.

That stupid mortal though he could kill my Little Lynn! I am just glad that she was able to kill him. I think I will entice some of the wildlife to go towards the camp with his companions.

This dungeon is giving me headaches. First was that stupid human now that stupid vampire is lusting after my Lynn. I am slightly disappointed she just didn't decline the familiar contract, but I do feel better knowing that she also feels mostly the same as me about that vampire.

I am concerned about her leaving the dungeon and trying to rejoin society. I try not to meddle too much in her life, but she seriously makes me want to sometimes. I guess I can only hope and watch over her as she continues on.

Volume one End.