
I saw the large group of monsters head my way. Preparing myself I decided to cast a few spells.

"Mirror Image!"

Eight copies of myself emerge from me and splitting off around me. I then place my palm on my self over a leather piece of my armor.

"Mage Armor!"

I then make a quick gesture in the air and shout my last spell.


With my last spell, a transparent tower shield appears in front of me which I am able to direct its position with my mind. I cast a quick heal on Laura and then ready my polearm and charge into battle.

The first sahuagin I encountered was the other four-armed mutant. With me and eight of my illusory clones, I made short work of him. Since my clones all had my speed, they were able to dodge the attacks relatively easily.

I would strike a vital spot with my weapon and merge into one of my clones to hide my location and strike at another location. While doing this my clones would also mimic all my moves as well. The mutant was having a hard time discerning which attack it should block.

After just a minute I had killed the mutant, just in time to meet the rest of the group of sahuagin whose number probably exceeded thirty.

The first monster that came my way I had tripped by flipping my polearm around and using the hook to trip him. When the monster fell it cause a pile-up in that area. Directing the shield to my back I turned my attention to the rest of the sahuagin that had not fallen.

I charged in swing my weapon from the base of the handle for maximum reach and using it like a whip. Once I got closer, I pulled it back in and was using it as a two-handed staff. Only, mine had a blade on the end that was quite devastating.

After a few moments, I already had a pile of bodies at my feet and the group I had tripped was finally back up. I noticed one of the females casting a spell and shot out a cone of frost towards me. Trying to avoid getting frozen, I used one of the sahuagin as a shield while I directed my shield towards the caster.

My surroundings were frozen and a few of the creatures got caught in the spell. My clothes got a bit stiff and froze as well but for some reason, the cold did not bother me at all. I don't know if it was my spells or not, but I am glad my clones were unaffected as well.

"Well guys, it's been fun but its time to finish this up."

Looking towards the caster I make a few gestures and cast a spell.


A large sphere of fire shoots out from my hand and detonates upon impacting the sahuagin. The resulting explosion taking out fifteen other creatures and seriously wounding six others.

Using this chance, I then towards the other healthy monsters and start to hack at them. Trying anything I can to incapacitate them, I even start breaking their knees to ensure they can't fight back.

After about fifteen minutes, the entire village was silent as some buildings burned and corpses of sahuagin were strewn about everywhere. I was covered in a lot of blood, but I did not have the luxury to worry about that. After the battle, I dispel my spells and glance over at Laura.

With all the blood everywhere the smell of the mana is getting to me, causing my hands to shake a little. Since the danger is over, I decide to take a quick detour over to the mutant sahuagin.

[Well…I am basically a monster at this point I might as well.]

I lift the sahuagin and bite into it and start to drain it. I feel my strength come back to me as the mana replenishes my body. After the meal, my fatigue and mana are topped off, I then walk over towards the alter and scoop up Laura and make my way towards the others, who I had marked prior to leaving them.

I was wishing I had something to cover Laura with, but unfortunately, I only had my clothes and they would really work very well. I just hoped when I found the others, they had something.

Running at top speed I finally managed to catch up to the group within thirty minutes. They looked tired and weary and judging from the survivors it looked like there were about five of them including Laura who I had with me. I managed to see Clara amongst the group, which was good because I didn't want to have to tell her sister the news if she hadn't made it.

Sensing my presence, the group became alarmed and readied their weapons. But once they saw me, they instantly relaxed. Thania came rushing over towards me.

"Lynn! Thank the goddess you are alive! How did you escape?"

"I didn't escape. I killed them all."

Thania gives me a disbelieving look, then looking at me again as if she finally noticed all blood I was currently wearing as if it was going out of style, she then just gives me a sigh.

"I concede. You are stronger than me. I may be a mithril rank but even I would be hard-pressed to fight that many enemies. I could probably do it, but I wouldn't come out of it unscathed."

"Don't feel so down. You just need to train more, and you can get stronger. Anyway, do you have anything Laura here can wear, she isn't in her modest clothes."

Finally realizing I was carrying a very naked Laura Thania rushes over towards the group and comes back with a blanket. We get her wrapped up and join the rest of the group.

Noticing my appearance Clara rushes over to me with tears in her eyes.

"Lynn! How is Laura? Will she be alright?"

"It's ok. I have healed her. Couldn't save the arm but she will live. I can't confirm her mental health though."

While Clara was looking at Laura, anger could be seen in her eyes.

"Did you get all of them?"

"Yes, I did. Every single one of them are dead."

"Good…at least now I can have some peace of mind."

Thania gathered up everyone and started to discuss our plan.

"Alright, everyone. We will try to get as far out of this swamp as we can by nightfall. We will backtrack our steps so we can reach the floor entrance and get out of here as soon as possible. I know you guys are tired but the sooner we get out of here the sooner you can relax."

Hearing Thania's plan I decided to speak up. While I won't divulge the full details of my ability, I will just say enough to be convincing.

"Hey, Thania. I have a tracking ability that I can use. It will help us in finding the entrance and save us some time by finding the most direct route."

Thania nods her head and spoke back up.

"You heard her. Lynn will be our point man to guide us back. Clara if you feel up to it would you carry Laura until she awakes?"

Clara nodded her head and walked over to me and picked up Laura. Our group reassembled our order a bit putting Clara in the middle while I was at the front guiding everyone.

Despite what everyone went through, we were able to make it out of the swamp by nightfall. Just seeing the normal jungle scenery made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

We decided to make camp for the night. With everyone's vigilance so high our temporary camp was fortified with traps and alarms to ensure we wouldn't be caught unaware.

I had pulled out my cookware, figuring that a well-cooked meal would do everyone some good. Once I started to cook everyone gathered around and just sat in silence. It was kind of awkward to be stared at by everyone, but I also knew the reasoning for it too, so I ignored it.

The silence was eventually broken by a scream as Laura soon woke up. Seeing her panic as she did, Clara quickly rushed to calm her down. Some time went by where Laura was babbling to herself, she eventually started to herself while embraced by Clara.

I think it was at this point that the bubbly Laura that everyone knew was dead, at least for the foreseeable future.

Once dinner was done, everyone had helped themselves to a bowl of some stew. Laura was kind of catatonic, so she was fed by Clara.

After dinner, everyone helped to clean up. Afterward, the night rotation was assigned and everyone else then went to sleep.




Only a couple of days passed as our speed was fast with everyone so motivated to leave the dungeon and with me guiding everyone in as most a direct route as possible. I was not able to really clean my self properly since we were in a hurry, so I still had most of the blood on me. I did get my face clean though.

Once everyone saw the dungeon teleporter, we were all excited. Laura seems to be doing better but she still wasn't very talkative. She was very clingy to me and Clara after finding out I stayed behind to rescue her and how Clara took care of her during our travels.

I feel bad for her now because you can see just how broken she is. She had a lot of difficulties adjusting to only having one arm. She still is adjusting and would cry herself to sleep every night.

We finally reach the first floor of the dungeon. I was the last one as I had to make sure that everyone would get through safely.

Once we left the dungeon everyone that was by the entrance was in a solemn mood once they saw our rescue party and just how many people we had rescued. They quickly got out of our way as we made it to the mercenary guild.

Upon entering the guild everyone's attention was on us. After a few moments, a figure came running up to our group. That figure, of course, was Emilia, as she ran over to her sister and started to cry while hugging her. Shortly after we were guided to Arlan's office.

When we entered the office, Arlan and Nilrem both had dark expressions on their faces. Arlan was the first to speak to us.

"Welcome back. Judging from everyone's expression, I can tell this was not a great expedition. Everyone except for Thania and Lynn is dismissed. You guys go get yourselves checked out by our healer and go get cleaned up."

With those words, everyone left. Clara told me she would see me in the dorms. Thania and I sat down on the couch. After Sitting down Arlan finally speaks back up.

"So, what happened during your rescue?

We spent the next thirty minutes going over and briefing the guild leader. We told him everything including how I had killed Zaber during my stay in the dungeon all the way up to how I killed the entire village sahuagin and rescued Laura.

After the briefing, Arlan was just rubbing his temples when Nilrem spoke up.

"It seems we took this dungeon too lightly and now we have some capable mercenaries that will no longer be mercenaries."

At this comment, Arlan walks over to his desk and pours himself a drink.

"Looks like we will need to open the dungeon up to the public. We need to get more people from around the country to help us. We will be offering more money for materials found in the dungeon to incentivize people to come down here."

At this comment, Nilrem looked visibly upset and argued back.

"Arlan, wouldn't that just raise the death rate? Mercenaries would go above their skill level trying to earn money and get in way over their heads!"

"Yes, I know that is why we will assign ranks for each floor. Only certain ranks are allowed to go to each floor. For the mercenaries that ignore this, they will get a reduced rate on anything belonging to floors above their rank."

Nilrem scratches his beard for a moment while in deep thought before turning to Thania and me.

"What do you guys think? Is this a good idea?

After some thought, I finally spoke up.

"I think it works. People are going to be idiots and bit off more than they can chew but this method should minimize that."

Nilrem and Thania both nod their head at my thoughts.

"Alright Arlan, I suppose this plan of yours will work. At least this way maybe we can get more mithril and gold rankers down here to help us."

After a few more words between us, Thania and I left the guild. Walking outside Thania spoke to me.

"Hey, Lynn. How about we go catch a bath. Both of us are pretty dirty and you are still covered in monster blood as well."

After looking at myself I could only nod my head in agreement.

"Sounds good but I need to buy another set of clothes. These are my only set and I have to wash them."

With our destination in mind, we walk over to the tailor to buy a set of clothes for me to wear. The bell chimed as we walked into the store. A lady's voice rang out to us as we entered.

"Hello welcome to… ah, it's the Black Sorceress. Wait! What have you done to that magnificent armor I made for you?!"

"Heh, I'm sorry. I got caught up in a battle and it got dirty."

Thania catching my nickname could only laugh.

"Hahaha! Black Sorceress! That name truly fits you. After seeing that spell you used, I think I will call you that now too."

"No please don't." I could try and plead with her not to use that embarrassing name.

After some in-store shenanigans, we left the store with a couple of sets of clothes. The woman at the store told me they offer a cleaning service for clothes and certain armors. So, I had just left my old stuff with her and changed into one of my newer sets of clothing I had. It was just a simple tunic with some pants and boots the went to about mid-shin, all in earth colors. They were comfortable enough and were basically the same as my second set.

After some walking, we got to the bathhouse where we paid and proceeded inside. Thania and I spent a while in there relaxing and just talking. I also found I didn't know how I felt taking a bath with a woman seeing as how I used to be a guy. It was still a bit embarrassing and I tried not to focus on it too much.

A bit later I had returned to the dorms where I saw Anne. She had a sad look on her face that quickly went away when she saw me.

"Hey, Anne. You ok?"

She just nodded her head and told me she was fine.

"You don't have to lie you know. I am sure you saw the state Laura was in when she returned."

At my words, I could see tears trying to form in Anne's eyes.

"Yes, your right. I saw her Clara brought her in. The poor girl was not very responsive. But the most heartbreaking part was when she saw me, she called me mama and dove into my chest and cried. I just spent the last thirty minutes at her side as I tucked her into her bed."

I did really know how to best respond to this. In my previous life, due to my time in the military, I saw plenty of people break from PTSD.

"She suffered some severe mental trauma. Only time can heal that, so we just need to take care of her until then. If she has any family, I would suggest sending her home."

Anne stares off into space for a moment before responding to me.

"Sorry Lynn, I don't think that is a good idea. Her family situation is a bit complicated. We will just have to keep her here and hope she gets better.

I could only go along with her idea since she knew Laura better than I did. After saying our goodbyes, I went up to my room and finally laid down on my bed. I then decided to talk to Teona since I was back again.




I woke up in my old apartment and Teona was sitting on the couch with her computer in her lap. There were papers strewn about everywhere.

"Hey, Teona. What's going on here?"

Looking up at me she finally realizes it's me and responds.

"Oh, Allynna! Sorry for the mess. Sit down I got important news for you.

A little worried, I sit down on a nearby chair.

"So, what's up?"

"I have uncovered a huge secret and the rabbit hole just keeps going down. You truly do have a misfortune that can rival a god's blessing. I found you are linked to an old experiment called Project Godslayer."