Project Godslayer

"I'm sorry, project what now?"

Teona gathers up a few documents arranging them in order and straightens them before sitting back on the couch.

"I had a friend of mine gathering information about your situation. Only when she came back with it, it went much deeper than we thought. So deep she had to go in hiding because of it."

After Teona had said, my mood had dropped. I was now really wondering what I had gotten myself involved with.

"So, you are telling me that I have gotten involved with a conspiracy on a heavenly scale?"

"Yeah…your misfortune is on such a massive scale that I am brimming with power now at this point."

"If you have discovered this conspiracy, can't you take it to the elder gods now?"

Teona just gives out a long exasperated sigh before she continues.

"I tried that but for some reason, they did not answer any of my summons, and the reason for this may lie in the conspiracy surrounding you."

Now I am feeling super nervous. All I did was die and now I am wrapped up in some sort of heavenly conflict full of conspiracies. Seriously, who did I piss off in my last life? Resigning my self to my fate I decided to respond.

"Do you feel like letting me in on this big secret then?"

Teona nods her head and starts to separate several stacks of papers on the coffee table.

"Alright, so to explain your involvement requires me to kind of info dump you with a bunch of other knowledge first. So, buckle up."

"To start I will need to explain more about vampires. Neris the Goddess of the moon is the creator of all creatures of the night. Vampire Lords are actually in a way her direct descendants as they were created from her own blood. She had used earth back in its dark ages to do her experiments and created the first vampires. But she had to relocate them to other worlds as they were too strong for a weak world like earth. So now in a way because of you having some vampire lord heritage, she could technically be your mother."

This takes me a moment to wrap my head around. Because of a near-death experience in a dungeon, I now gain a goddess as a mother. Well seeing as I received her blessing in this world, I guess that makes her better than my biological mother. She just threw me away. After coming out of my thoughts, I tell Teona to continue.

"Shortly after the creation of the vampires, Aurelia the Goddess of Fate saw a war between the gods. The Elder Gods fearing for all of their creations decided they needed to create a weapon for the upcoming war."

I was then starting to piece together some of the story now.

"So, the Elder Gods created Project Godslayer!"

"Yes, that is right. They saw the potential of the vampire's ability to absorb mana and wanted to capitalize on that, but it needed to be able to do that to a god. Drain a god's power and they die. So that began years of experimentation. They even created a whole world to do those experiments on."

Teona then flips through a few pages and finds what she is looking for.

"The experiments were not going that great, so they thought that they needed to fuse a vampire with another race. At first, they tried using gods and angels but that turned them into unstable abominations. Next were devils and demons but that ended up the same as well. They realized they needed a race with god-like qualities but was still mortal enough for the vampire abilities to bond to."

"Wait. So, what does this have to do with me then?"

"I thought you would ask that question. Remember how you would visit me in my divine realm quite often and I provided you food for your visits?"

"Yeah, I remember that. You said you didn't know what effect…wait! You know now don't you?!"

Teona gives a forced laugh and she scratches her cheek with a finger.

"I am sorry. I didn't know how big those consequences would be. The Elder Gods did something similar to some mortals and it turned them into a high variant. So, after a while, your race transformed into a High Human. Just mortal enough for the process, even though your life span had increased to about ten times the normal lifespan for your race."

This bombshell shook me a bit to my core. What did she mean 10 times?! If the average lifespan was 80 then would that mean I would live anywhere from 750 to 900 years?

"Does that mean that I am now a high human then?"

Teona shakes her head.

"No, I'm sorry. If it was only that then this wouldn't be such a big deal. You see Project Godslayer success lied in partially turning a high race into a vampire lord. Since vampires were creatures of the night and the high races were creatures of heaven, the two combined created a creature of the void."

"I thought you might have been a dhampir, but those are born when a woman who is pregnant is turned into a vampire. You were already born so I didn't know what you were."

"After all this information, I then realized that you are now a void human. Your ability lies in the ability to deconstruct reality, which was the only way to kill a god. That's right, the elder gods created a race that could kill gods. Sounds foolish right?"

Now I really am left speechless. I don't even know how to begin to comprehend something like this. I am like a character straight out of a damn comic book. What the hell kind of origin story is this!? After a moment of silence, Teona continued with her story.

"The worst part was, some of the other gods found out about the elder gods plan and raided the world of the void races. While they were still young, they did not pose a danger to the gods yet, so they were all wiped out and the world erased. Exeus the God of Knowledge was in charge of the experiments. After his research was destroyed, he then descended into madness and was forced to be locked away. After that heaven went through a restructure. The elder gods remained in power, but they were also kept on a leash at the same time."

"So that is why you have such misfortune now. If it was discovered that you are a void human, you would incur the wrath of heaven with just your presence. That is why I contacted a friend of mine to help protect you and train you as well. That person was the same person who built that house you stayed in and wrote those books."

I swear if Teona doesn't stop dropping so many bombs on me I am going to die.

"Please stop dropping all these bombs. You're going to kill me with a heart attack."

Teona just laughs a little while looking a bit guilty.

"Yeah…you kinda can't really die. You are basically a god but without the divinity. Even though your regeneration skill is low, even if you were to be ground into a paste you could still regenerate. It would just take months to do so. At this point, the only way you can die is if you were destroyed at a cellular level."


Fuck my life.

Teona just continues on despite my silence.

"My friend Asmodeus, one of the Arch-Devils of hell will be meeting up with you. He will give you some training and try to hide your presence from heaven. Also, since I have a better grasp of your abilities, I will also upgrade your blessing a little so that way it will display information a bit better. We don't have much time left so I will talk to you when I can."

With those words I find my self waking back up in my room. I lie awake for a while trying to digest everything that was said to me.

"I just became the embodiment of the apocalypse didn't I?"

If people in this world found out about my abilities, they would spit blood and call for the GM. I went from a normal human with an average life span, to a high human with a large life span rivaling that of elves, then I became a void human…a semi-immortal god slayer. I hope I don't turn into anything else.

Sitting up in bed I decided to check my status. Since Teona said she changed it a bit, I would like to see what it looks like.


Name: Allynna Vassedras

Age: 11

Level: 92

Race: Void Human

Class: Arcane Curseweaver



HP: 5580/5580

MP: 9384/9384

STR: 52

END: 60

AGI: 70

INT: 56

WIS: 46



Alchemy LVL 6

Arcane Spellweaver LVL 10

Archery LVL 5

Climbing LVL 5

Crafting LVL 8

Language [Arcane] LVL 8

Language [Basic] LVL 3

Mana Manipulation LVL 3

Mana Sense LVL 3

Mathematics LVL 9

Multicasting LVL 1

Nature Magic LVL 7

Neutral Magic LVL 8

Polearms LVL 8

Stealth LVL 10

Survival LVL 9

Swordsmanship LVL 8

Throwing LVL 6


Special Abilities:

Aura Suppression - Epic

Darkvision - Moderate

Regeneration - Minor

Mana Absorption - Minor



Arcane Spellweaver

Bane of Monsters

Demon Lord

Void Human Origin

Disciple of the Goddess of Misfortune

Disciple of the Moon Goddess

The Most Unfortunate One


Blessings and Curses:

Goddess of Misfortune

Moon Goddess

Soul Curse

After looking at my stats, I could only sigh.

"Well since I am already a monster, might as well get used to it."

I get dressed and head downstairs for breakfast. Reaching the dining area, I notice the solemn mood in the air. Some of the other girls from the dorm have concerned looks on their faces as they watch Laura try to eat her food with one arm. Anne was sitting next to her and was trying to help as well.

The once cheerful girl was now reduced to a shadow of her former self. I grab my self some food and sit by Anne and Laura. Noticing I sat near her Anne looked over towards me. She had dark circles under her eyes.

"Morning Lynn."

"Morning. You look like you didn't get much sleep."

Anne shook her head and looked back over at Laura.

"I spent most of the night in her room trying to comfort her. She was screaming pretty loudly last light and woke most of the dome up. She has been in this state for a while now, it's like she doesn't even notice anything around her."

"Yeah her mental trauma is pretty severe. The conditions in which we found them were pretty bad. To be honest it will just take some time for it to be healed. We just need to support her until she can get better."

Anne continues to look at Laura before giving a sigh.

"It will be difficult to take care of her. It would be easier to send her back to her family, but I know there is a chance that she would probably be neglected there."

I don't know Laura's background so I can only nod my head. I finished my meal and left towards the tailor to pick up my armor.

Walking around town was refreshing compared to that dungeon. After some time, I had arrived at the tailor. Walking in I could hear some kind of ruckus. Look towards the commotion I could finally see what it was.

There was a pretty boy dressed in some ridiculous armor yelling at the woman from the shop.

"You listen here! Don't you know who I am! I am Brendan Eandall! Son of Duke Aoric Eandall! If I say I want you to make me a set of clothes, then you better drop all of your orders and make my clothes!"

Oh, goddess…I do not need this crap this early in the morning. The typical young master demanding everyone treat him like the golden turd he is.

The woman's eyes lock on to mine and are pleading for help. I don't really want to draw too much attention to me as I am still planning my revenge with my family. I will just try to diffuse this peacefully.

As if noticing the woman is looking at someone else the man looks over at me and walks over to me.

"Hey, you! You better leave if you know what's good for you!"

"Wait! You look like a hidden beauty, shame about those scars. If you serve me, I will make you a concubine."

Nope. Never mind. Fuck this guy. Using my speed, I rush towards him and knee him in the crotch. My strength was enough that is completely dented in the metal around his nether region. I follow up the knee strike with an elbow strike to the head, rendering him completely unconscious.

Seeing all of this the woman starts to panic and rushes over to me.

"Lynn! You ok? I am surprised you were able to knock him out. He was a gold rank mercenary and was not weak!"

I can only laugh a little as I respond back to her.

"He was pretty weak to me. I thought he might have been silver rank. Anyway, sorry for the trouble miss…I'm sorry I never did get your name."

"Right! My name is Isolabella or you can just call me Bella. If you don't mind me asking but what rank are you?"

I reach for my tags and pull them out showing them to Bella.

"I am mithril rank."

"Oh, my goddess! You really are like a black sorceress! Hahaha anyway. I am guessing you are here for your armor, right?"

I just nod my head and Bella heads to the back for a few minutes. She eventually comes back out with my armor. I asked her if I could change into it there which she allowed me to. Afterward, I stored my other clothes into my inventory.

"See you later Bella! Oh, also you don't have to worry about this guy. I am going to drag him back to the guild with me."

I then proceeded to pick the young master up by the back of his armor and started to drag him out of the shop.