Long-lasting love

Eva and Isaac stayed behind in their wedding suite to rest well away from city life. The rest returned to their daily routine.

Curtis Morgan who got to know Eva Miller, Rian's friend married Isaac Ross, Alan's friend started nudging Rian and Roxy to get married. Rowan and Amelia too wanted them to get married as they were already living together and openly had their engagement a long back but they hadn't forced them without understanding what was going on in the couple's plan.

As parents, they were sure Rian had no problem in marrying so they realized Roxy needed time. Having no heart to ask her directly, they looked for Aria on that topic.

After completing their Monday work, Alan and Aria went to the Morgan mansion. Alan was grim because Aria didn't go to the hospital for a checkup to confirm if she was pregnant or not. Whereas Aria wanted to wait for two more days to confirm her period is really missing. She wasn't ready to give false hope.