
The Morgan family accepted Roxy and Rian as they were and gave them their freedom to choose how they want to lead their life.

The next day, Aria and Alan went to work as usual from the Morgan mansion. Fidgety during work remembering Alan repeatedly stressing that she should visit a gynecologist, she went alone to confirm her pregnancy so that she doesn't give false hopes to anybody.

Unexpectedly she met Winston Wen, Finn's uncle at the entrance of the hospital. He called the intern doctor who works under him and pointed to Aria, "Make sure President Copper doesn't have to wait."

Aria always felt him as cold and unapproachable compared to anybody she met so it was a little surprising to hear it, "Professor Wen, thank you but it's not required. I have an appointment."

Winston's cold gaze moved on her face, he was still for a few seconds before asking, "Which department are you going to?"