Dance with me.

"You have no idea how relieved I am to see you"

Joel informed Anna as he opened the front seat of his car for her to get in.

"I'm glad I still have people in this world who cares about me." Anna replied with a playful voice as she fixed her seatbelt.

"What happened? Why couldn't we reach you yesterday?" He asked as he began to drive. 

"Long story. Won't explain twice so I'll wait till I see Tom. But my parents found me– don't know how. And remember I left my phone at home? When I got there, I couldn't find it. Plus everywhere was crazy so I decided to just let things slide and think of something." 

"Your parents took your phone?" He asked with a deep frown.

"That crazy couple keeps annoying me. I don't even want to remember how they almost stopped me from leaving the house today."

"Shouldn't we report them to the authorities for child abuse or something?" He asked, wrinkling his brow in worry.