A party?

Lisa did not look at anyone or anything else. She went straight to the parking lot and sat down on the driver's seat.

Immediately she sat down, she released the breath she didn't realise she had been holding.

She undid the first button of her shirt and began to fan herself with her hand. She wondered why her temperature was suddenly rising. 

What was wrong with Tom? What was the meaning of that stunt he had pulled back there?

Oh! She remembered; he was a playboy and a renowned flirt.

He had been flirting with her. Thomas Hwang had been flirting with her!

He probably was only interested in going to bed with her since that was what he was best at.

Lisa scoffed.

Men were the same everywhere. One day,  just one day, she was going to pay him back with his own coin.

Her phone began to ring and when she checked, she noticed it was from a number saved as 'Friend' so she took the call.