She likes you too.

"Young mistress, your father wants to see you." The head butler informed Anna through the closed door. 

"Alright. I'll be with him shortly." Anna responded as she looked at herself in the mirror one last time. 

She planned to pay Tom a visit at his office to talk to him. She regretted why she never asked Lisa for her number. If she had Lisa's number, she would have called Lisa to hear from her but unfortunately, it had skipped her mind to collect her number.

As she took the flight of stairs down to the sitting room, she wondered what her father wanted to say to her this time. 

"You are going out?" Mr Kang asked. He was also fully dressed, ready for work. 

"Yes." Anna answered curtly. She no longer cared about her parents or what they thought. 

"It's been quite a long time since we had a chat. I was hoping we could go out and have lunch or dinner today. Whichever is okay by you. Just me and you" Mr Kang said with a small smile.