"You are so warm"

"Here it is." A private investigator handed Amanda a large envelope when she joined her in her car. 

"That was quick. I hope there's a lot of exciting information inside." Amanda said with anticipation. 

"Nothing much. She seems to be like every ordinary girl." The lady said to Amanda.

"Ordinary? I doubt that." Amanda replied as she flipped through the pages of the document inside the envelope. 

Orphaned, 28 years old, took multiple odd jobs, became a bodyguard. 

Everything about 'Kim Berlin' was really ordinary. 

She checked the info about her parents. There was nothing special also. Just too ordinary people who fell in love and died in a car accident. 

"Guess I was thinking too much..." Amanda said casually as she threw the document back to her. 

"How did she meet Li Chen then? Is it some kind of Cinderella story?" She asked the lady in a mock tone.