I hate you

Yells and sounds of objects clattering filled the Park household immediately Amanda entered inside her room.

The chief butler sighed as she wondered what was wrong with the mother and daughter tonight. 

First, it was Mrs Park who threw things everywhere immediately she got home. Now, it was her daughter. 

"It's going to be a long night." The chief butler said as she head towards Mrs Park's room door to report what was going on with Amanda.

As she was about to knock on her door, the door suddenly flung open and Mrs Park came out, wearing her pyjamas with her hair in a ponytail. Her face was now void of make-up but it looked dark. Her eyes were glazed.

Mrs Park briefly glanced at the middle-aged butler before heading straight to Amanda's room. When she got there, she opened the door without knocking. 

"I will kill her! I will rip her apart with my bare hands." Amanda bellowed angrily when she saw her mother.