I am really okay (Unedited)

Tom wasn't very surprised to see his father standing just outside his house the next morning. He sighed in frustration as he looked at him through the digital peephole. Chairman Hwang was the last person he wanted to see at that moment. 

When he heard the doorbell ring earlier, he had expected to see Lisa by the door. He had expected she would appear in front of his house and say something like, "I'm sorry for running away last night. I like you too and it's over between Li Chen and I." He had expected to hear those words from her...

But here he was, looking at the face of the man he didn't even want to see in his dreams.

"Why are you here?" Tom asked immediately his father got inside and closed the door. 

"That is a rude way of talking to your father. You know that?" Chairman Hwang said with a frown before asking, "Why aren't you going to work?"