Unveiling the past (1)

29 years ago...

Han Suzy paced around a one–room apartment anxiously. She seemed to be lost in thought that she didn't realise someone had entered inside the room. 

Hwang Zhendan looked at her in surprise before asking angrily. "How can you just come in here? What if my mother had met you here?"

Suzy stared at him blankly. Her mind was still very occupied with something else.

Then, she had just turned 17 years old while Hwang Zhendan was 20. 

"What's with the look?" He asked her curiously after peering outside to make sure no one was outside.

"You cannot believe what I heard today." She said in a very low voice. It was as if she didn't want anyone else to hear her.

"And what's it?" He asked inquisitively.

"My late aunt's husband seem to be very sick. He is in a coma" 

"Okay.... so?" Zhendan asked patiently.

"You know the uncle I'm talking about. Wong Mei's father."