Will you follow me home?

Li Chen looked at Lisa and Tom simultaneously. If not for the circumstances,  he would have gotten pissed and threw Tom out of his house. 

Li Chen didn't know who to rant to so he settled for ranting within himself. 

I mean, he was supposedly Lisa's boyfriend so did it make sense that another man was inside his house, laying on his couch with his head on his supposed girlfriend's laps like it was a cushion?

He looked at Lisa who didn't seem to mind as she intently observed Tom's sleeping face. If anyone had told him a month ago that Lisa was going to be like this, allowing a man use her laps as his cushion, he never would have believed it. 

"I am going out." Li Chen muttered to her and finally got her attention.  

She wanted to ask him when he would be returning but instead, she simply nodded. She didn't want to wake Tom up since he looked very tired.