Tom's family.

"Sorry" Tom whispered to Lisa with a sheepish grin when he noticed how uncomfortable she was with the attention she was getting from everyone.

It would be a lie if Lisa said she was comfortable in that place. But because Tom was friendly with all of them and they were also friendly to her, she tried to act like everything was okay but she guessed Tom saw through her act.

She could only imagine how dirty her clothes were at that moment. She stopped herself from looking down at the white high-neck pullover she wore that was probably dirty from all the hugs she had received especially from the women and children who were happy to see 'Tom's girlfriend'.

"Can I see Nana now?" Tom asked a teenage girl.

"I'll go check with mama Lin and get back to you." She said before running off. 

Lin.. Lisa smiled sadly when she heard the name. One time in her life, she had been known as Jasmine Lin. Now, she was Lisa Kim, Kim Berlin and Germany..