Remember I like you..

Lisa could not ask Tom to drop her off at her house since she could not afford to let him know the kind of luxurious life she lived so she told him to take her back to Chen's house instead.

She had thought about it and decided not to follow him to his house.

Her relationship with Tom was supposed to be strictly professional so now that her business with him was done, she better stayed away from him because the more she was around him, the more she no longer knew or understood herself. 

"Why do you live with him?" Tom asked when she told him to drop her off at Li Chen's house. Although, he didn't seem very disappointed that she was suddenly changing her mind about going home with him. 

"Who... was I supposed to live with?" Lisa asked back. If Li Chen was her boyfriend, it wasn't a big deal to be living with him right? A lot of couples do cohabit.

"You can come live with me." He flashed her a smile before turning to face the road again.