That's me!

A young female secretary led Hwang Thomas inside a well decorated office. The office was very large and he could tell from the interior decoration that the owner had an exquisite taste. 

"It's really you." A middle aged man who was sitting at the office chair said in suprise.

"I am surprised you're meeting me." He added as he looked at Tom wearily. 

"It's nice to meet you Senator Guan." Tom greeted as he sat on the seat the man offered opposite him.

"Do what do I owe this visit? Does your father know you are here?" He asked Tom with a suspicious look.

"I think I've past the age where I have to tell my father where I am going to." Tom answered in a jocular tone, making the man chuckle. 

"I heard you were withdrawing from the race" Tom went straight to the point without beating around the bush.

"Where did you hear that from?" Senator Guan looked at him in surprise since he hadn't officially announced it.