Yes, what about me?

When Anna and Jianhong both arrived at the barracks, Anna's heart began to beat even faster.

She took note of the soldiers stationed at almost every corner of the barrack. Things like this always seemed to remind her about who he truly was.

Feng Jianhong slowed down as he drove inside and whenever any soldier saw him, they saluted and he acknowledged them with a curt nod.

Anna would have taken her time to admire the place if she wasn't so nervous about meeting his mother.

There were some soldiers who looked like they were training as they jogged around topless. 'Such Abs!' She thought as she watched.

"Anna, you should look this way." Feng Jianhong said when he saw how Anna looked at them with interest.

"What?" She turned to ask him in confusion thinking he had called her name because he wanted to show her something.

He didn't explain but pointed at a house. "That's my place." He told her.