You should have stayed away from the first day.

Lisa was really nervous as she entered inside her room. She shut the door slowly and locked it with the key before taking out her phone to call Li Chen.

"Have you sent the link?" She asked in a low voice immediately the call connected. 

Her eyes were still focused on the door. Tom was just outside her room. He was very unpredictable and she didn't want him to just barge in on her unannounced. He was very much capable of doing that.

"I am. I was waiting for you to click on it so your system would be connected. Mrs Park already left but the footage was saved." Li Chen informed her. "There are a lot of strange things though. Really strange.." He said and she could imagine the frown on his face.

Strange things? She wondered what he was talking about but she didn't push him. Now wasn't the time.