"It was me. All me"

As Tom left the hotel down to the parking lot early the next morning to go handle his business, he recieved a call from one of his men.

"Yes?" He asked quickly.

"There are reporters all over your house and parents house." He informed him.

"Well, that was expected." Tom replied nonchalantly.  

"What about Han Suzy?"

"We have no idea. We can't tell whether she's at the police station or at home." He replied. 

Tom sighed before disconnecting the call. The entire night, he had stayed up wondering who it was that had collected the flashdrive and killed the man. He also hadn't concluded his conversation with Lisa so he didn't know what to go report to his godfather concerning the marriage plans.

As he gradually approached his car, he sensed someone was following him. 

He didn't see anyone when he entered but he had the feeling that he was being followed..