I am not stupid Lin Jasmine

Tom groaned a bit before his eyes fluttered open.

The blinds in wherever he was at the moment was down so there was no bright light penetrating the windows. The only light that lit up the dark room was from a dim lamp by the side of the bed.

He looked up at the ceiling as the sleepiness slowly began to fade away. Then, a frown formed on his face when he saw the unfamiliar ceiling. 

He sat up immediately and looked around the room. It was also unfamiliar. 

"What the hell!" He exclaimed and jumped out of the bed. 

Something was definitely not right. He had been with Lisa. She had promised to let him go with her. How did he end up here? 

His heart began to beat very fast as he went to the door he believed was going to lead him out of the room and it did. After leaving the hallway, thankfully, he saw a familiar face— Ye Ying.