Let's hope she follows the plan

"You must be joking?" Tom said in disbelief. There was no way he was going to believe his godfather was keeping him in here as an hostage. For what? Obviously Lisa!

"Where is Li Chen? Where is Germany? What nonsense are you talking about being held hostage?" Tom asked Ye Ying impatiently.

"I told you already Tom. I gave you time. You were supposed to talk her into this. I thought love was supposed to make you want to do anything? I guess it didn't work with her." He said with a shrug.

"Your lady was supposed to come to me. You were supposed to be seated as the leader of Venom. There is no time now. I need to do what I have to do." Ye Ying told him softly.

Tom finally understood all Lisa had been trying to make him understand.