He wanted to shut her up.

Tan didn't know whether to be angry with her for keeping him waiting all evening and disturbing his thoughts or be sorry about her fall. He had waited for her all evening, but she had failed to show up at the dinner table.

After waiting for her for over an hour, he had gone to check on her. He had spied on her through the interconnecting door between their rooms. When he had found her sleeping, he had retreated but had forgotten to lock the door.

Nana had never felt so embarrassed or angry in her life. She ignored the hand he offered as she stood up.

"You said our room was next to each other, but you didn't say there was a connecting door between both rooms. And why was it open?" She asked calmly, allowing her anger to get the better part of her.

Tan looked at her, "You do realise you have no right to be angry? First of all, this is my home, and I don't think I owe you any explanation as to why there is an interconnecting door between my rooms. Secondly, it is my house, and I can open any damn door I please. Finally, do not speak to me in such a manner, you're a paid guest in my home, and you will respect me. Lest I forget, were you not supposed to meet me by 8 pm? You lack basic business ethics," Tan said before he could stop himself.

He wasn't one quick to anger, and neither was he one to say so much. He closed his eyes to take a deep breath. It was either he was tired or being around this lady was messing with his brain.

Nana looked at him, "And what if I was naked? Do you make it a habit spying on your 'paid guests' without their knowledge?" She asked sarcastically.

"Do you go about sleeping naked in the homes of strangers, Miss Min-Jung?" He retorted.

Nana opened her mouth to speak but shut it when nothing came out of it. This was Min-Jung's job, and she had promised not to mess it up. For Min-Jung's sake, she'd let this slide, swallow her pride and apologise.

"I'm sorry for my rudeness, Sir. I had no right talking to you in that manner. And I'm sorry for not showing up as expected," She said with her head bowed and fists tightly clenched.

He could tell she was very angry from her stance and the stiffness of her shoulders. He knew it had been wrong of him to talk to her in that manner, but he couldn't take it back now.

Pride stopped him from apologising. He wouldn't have been so mad and said so much if she hadn't been so rude.

Just as she turned to leave, her stomach rumbled loudly. "You must be hungry. The maid has gone home for the night. Let's get you something to eat," He said as a way of apology.

She knew that was a poor attempt at apology, but she was willing to accept it. She hadn't eaten all day, and she still needed to reach her father and Min-Jung.

I'll appreciate that. I'll just freshen up and join you at the table if you don't mind," She said, closing the door between them as she stepped inside her room.

After bathing, she quickly dried her body. There was no time to dry her hair. She didn't want to keep him waiting. She wore a short, simple white gown and stepped out of the room.

He smelt her before she arrived; he could smell the flowery scent which was peculiar to her. He raised his head to look at her, and his heart skipped a bit. She looked like a fairy princess. Her wet hair glistened beautifully, her face now devoid of makeup, looking so serene. Her lips made him want to pull her close to himself. He could feel himself go hard.

"May I use your phone, please? I have been unable to make calls with mine. And I really need to call my father," She said, oblivious to what her presence was doing to Tan.

She wasn't supposed to do that; she realised immediately after she made the request. He wasn't supposed to have any form of personal contact with her. She closed her eyes and prayed he hadn't heard her.

He looked at her. Was this an attempt to get his number? She was obviously too embarrassed to look at him, he thought. Was she hoping she'd keep in contact with him after this deal? He could never keep in contact with a lady that did this sort of job for money, no matter how much he wanted her. He told himself.

"I'm sorry, you can't use my phone. But I'll try to get you one tomorrow so you can be in touch with your father until you leave," He said.

She said nothing and just continued eating.

"So you wanted us to discuss our plans for the week," She said, changing the topic.

"Yes. We have to create our story. Everyone would want to know where and how we met, and I wouldn't want us to tell different stories. So we would go out together on fake dates, create fake memories we can talk about when we are asked any question at the wedding this weekend," He said without looking at her. The sight of her always messed up his thoughts.

She had seen this in movies but never had she thought she'd be a part of it. How could such a rich, handsome guy think up something this crazy? She asked herself.

"I beg your pardon?" Tan said, raising a brow.

"Sorry, did you say something?" She asked, looking at him in confusion.

"No. But I obviously just heard you say something about me being crazy." Tan said with a sweet smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Oh!" She said, holding her hands over her mouth and looking at him apologetically.

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean for you to hear that!" She said and held her hands to her mouth again when she realised what she had just said.

"Oh! It's fine. I guess it's ok for you to call me crazy as long as I don't hear it," He said, rising to his feet.

"No, I didn't mean that. I meant..." She paused as he moved round the table to stand very close to her.

He had no idea why he was acting crazy around this lady. He had no idea what had possessed him to stand up, nor why he was standing in front of her. But he knew he wanted to do just one thing. He wanted to shut her up.