Her Entire Body Was On fire

He bent down very close to her and whispered slightly behind her ears, "You think I'm crazy?" Making her abdominal muscles contract nervously.

She swallowed hard. He was too close, and it made her uncomfortable. She couldn't turn sideways to look at him, but she could smell him. He smelt fresh, clean, and masculine -- a simultaneously cool and spicy scent with notes of lime, green mandarin, Siamese ginger, nutmeg, and more...

"No, I didn't mean that," She said, shaking her head, her heart thumping wildly.

He needed to stop this madness. He wanted her to stop him. She was a complete stranger, yet he felt so drawn to her. Coming so close to her was a mistake; his nostrils were flooded with scents of her. He could see a tiny droplet of water just behind her ear lobes; he wanted to dry it up with his tongue.

She knew she needed to get out of her seat and run into her room, but she couldn't seem to find the strength with him standing behind her like a predator breathing down her neck. She had never felt the presence of a man so evidently before.

She closed her eyes as she drew in a deep breath. She pushed away from the table and got up without looking at him. "I'm sorry if you feel offended; I'll watch my tongue henceforth. We can go through our plans tomorrow."

She turned to leave but hit her leg against the table and almost slipped, but he caught her in his arms.

She froze in his arms. They both stood still saying nothing. He just stood there staring at her. He noticed she was avoiding his gaze so he placed his hands under her chin and lifted her face to his. "Look at me," He said huskily.

She didn't know what was happening to her, her heart was pounding wildly, her knees felt really weak and her eyelids felt heavy. She raised her eyes to meet his and her breath caught.

She realized she had been avoiding looking at him all day, like really looking at him the way she was doing now.

Min-Jung had said he was drop-dead gorgeous, and she couldn't agree more.

His crescent-of-moon eyebrows were thick and wide. He carried an imperious nose well over his angular cheekbones which were carved down towards a flinty jaw. His entrancing sea rover-blue eyes were sloe shaped, they seemed like they could shine as bright as the evening stars when they were a-light with joy, and at other times, resembled two liquid-blue pools of flashing fire. She felt like she was losing herself in his eyes.

Her lips suddenly felt very dry. She flicked her tongue over her lips to wet it drawing his eyes to her lips, he needed her to stop him. He couldn't stop himself, it seemed like he was being punished for his celibacy.

He bent down and brushed his lips against hers. It had meant to be just a brush but he continued, he nipped at her lower lips, savoring the taste of the wine on her lips. She didn't respond to the kiss but neither did she withdraw from it.

He leaned forward and kissed her deeply. She gripped his arms for support as electric waves passed through her, her knees couldn't seem to support her.

Something was happening to her but she couldn't tell what it was. Before she could stop herself, she opened her mouth and returned the kiss.

It was nothing like she had shared with Ji-Tae, this was more passionate and intense, and her entire body was on fire.

"Min-Jung you're driving me crazy," He said as he pulled away from her to look into her face. She stiffened in his arms.

Min-Jung? She opened her eyes as her senses returned. She stepped away from him color flooding her face in embarrassment. "I'm sorry, sir. Goodnight," She said leaving him standing in confusion.

What had just happened? What had she done? She had a boyfriend. Yet, here she was kissing a stranger. Someone she had just met a few hours ago. She entered her room and lay on the bed. She couldn't sleep, her mind kept straying to the kiss, and her body vibrated in response.


What just happened between them? How could he have done that? She must hate him now. He had just treated her like a common whore and allowed her to apologize for something he had done.

How was he supposed to face her in the morning? How was he going to survive living under the same roof with her without touching her? After this kiss, he just had to have her. He would seduce her and have her, not for long-term keeps though. After all, a lady that did a job like hers for a living must have done something like this once or twice.


The knock on her door woke her up, she had finally fallen into a fitful sleep in the early hours of the morning.

She sat up straight immediately she remembered what transpired between her and Tan the night before. She blushed in embarrassment and closed her eyes. How was she going to face him?

He kissed me first, he should be ashamed not me. She blushed again as she touched her lips, she hadn't known a kiss could be so intense and electrifying. Her toes curled at the thought of it.

The knock came again and she stood up, "Yes?" She called out without opening the door expecting him to speak.

"Mr. Tan asked me to send for you. He wants you to join him at the table," A female voice said from the other end of the door.

"Please tell him I'll be with him shortly," She said, opening the door to look at the maid.

The maid thanked her and left, leaving her to dress up. She quickly brushed her teeth and dressed up.

She had no idea how she was going to face him again after what had happened between them. But, she'd be damned if she acted cowardly. She would give him a piece of her mind and ask him to not touch her ever again.