Let's Make A Truce

"I'm sorry about last night," Tan said before Nana could sit down. He needed to get the apology out of the way before they got on with his plans.

Nana sat down, unsure of what to say. She hadn't expected him to apologize even though she knew she deserved it. He had not exactly been the most polite person since they met.

"You said you were going to get me a phone I could use to contact my father."

She decided not to comment on the apology and save them both the embarrassment.

He felt grateful when she changed the topic, and he would have been disappointed had she pursued the issue.

"Yes, that was one of the reasons I asked for you. We need to get our plans rolling. We'll get the phone on our way out," He said, looking at her in a funny manner.

"On our way out to where?"

"You can't meet my family looking like this. No offense, you look ravishing, but you need a general makeover."

Before she could respond, the maid brought in the dishes, a bowl of rice, soybean stew, salted fish, fried egg, and kimchi.

She decided to ignore him and eat. They ate silently, with the maid hovering around Tan like a mother hawk.

"I'm paying good money for this, so I'm expecting everything to be real as possible," Tan said immediately after they got into his car, and he drove off.

"I beg your pardon?"

"I mean, I hope your acting skills are top-notch?"

"You have nothing to worry about," She said, looking out the window.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked, eyeing her curiously; he wondered if people in such lines of the job kept serious relationships. If she were his girlfriend, he'd never allow her to do something like this.

"No personal discussions allowed. That's my private business. Sir," She said, with mock politeness, making him grit his teeth.

"How long have you been doing this?" He tried again, wanting to know something about her, anything.

"Not your business. Sir," She said again, smiling to herself as she saw his jaw tighten from the corner of her eyes.

"It is my business. I have every right to know how experienced you're in this. I don't need you messing up my plans. And I'll appreciate it if you dropped the whole "sir" thing you're doing right now."

"But you made it clear I was a 'paid guest' in your home. I'm only treating you as my boss," She said with a sweet smile.

"I didn't hear you call me sir when you kissed me last night," He said before he could shut himself up.

"Stop the car," Nana said quietly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that."

"Stop the damn car!" She shouted angrily.

Her father always told her she was too short on temper; her hazel eyes were now a mixture of brown and gold.

"I said I'm sorry, let's just go."

She tried opening the door, but he kept driving.

"Christ! are you crazy?" He said, abruptly stopping the car by the roadside.

She got down from the car and started walking away. She was done with this stupid big mouthed fellow. Min-Jung could lose her job for all she cared.

She wouldn't spend a single second more in the presence of this pig head. She kept walking without looking back.

"Can you stop for a second? You're making me sweat! Damn it!" He shouted as he followed closely behind her. He stopped. He looked back and realized he could just have chased her with his car.

He jogged back to get his car and stopped beside her. "Ok, I'm sorry. Please get in."

She kept walking without glancing back, "Ok, I'll just call your boss, tell him we are not getting along, and ask for someone else," He threatened.

"Suit yourself," She said and kept walking without looking at him.

His temper was beginning to build up; he was going to give her one more chance, if she didn't take it, he'd do as he pleased.

"Get inside the car!" He said in a dangerously low tone making her turn to look at him. His eyes now resembled two liquid-blue pools of flashing fire.

She knew she was threading on a dangerous path, but pride wouldn't let her back down. She kept walking. She suddenly realized the car wasn't following her. She turned around and was swooped off her feet.

"I'm sorry. But I'd rather you're mad at me inside the car than out here." He said as she cursed and struggled against him.

He dropped her inside the car with a stern warning not to step down and drove off.


"I can't do this. I really can't do this," Nana said the moment Min-Jung picked up the phone.

"Nana! I was worried about you, where have you been? And why didn't you call last night? Your father has been worried sick."

"The rich guy just got me a phone, I couldn't use mine. I'm sorry."

"What were you complaining about? Did he harass you, or is he rude?"

"We just can't stay under the same roof. This has to be the most annoying man I've met all my life. I might kill him before the end of the week or maybe he kills me. Either way one of us is going to end up a corpse at this rate."

Min-Jung laughed at that, "You can't hurt a fly. Please calm down, for my sake. I'm sure he's not so bad. What did he do?"

Nana kept mute; how could she tell Min-Jung she had kissed the guy?

"Out with it! What have you done? Don't tell me you told him the truth!" Min-jung asked horrified.

"I didn't do anything. he's just insulting, that's all," Nana lied.

"Please be careful, and don't get into trouble. I have to go now," Min-Jung said, dropping the call abruptly.


"I can't believe we met barely 24 hours ago and have offended each other so much already. Why don't we start on a clean slate? Let's make a Truce. I'm sorry," He said with a polite smile.

"I'm Min-Jung," She said, willing to let go for Min-Jung's sake.

"I'm Kim Tan. And no SIRs, please. Just Tan would do," He said, making her smile.

"Are you ready for your makeover?" He asked as he led her to the beauty parlor.

"I'm as ready as I can be."

"Please transform her," He said to his family beautician, Yong with a wink.

"I'll surprise you."

Yong couldn't wait to tell Mrs. Kim about this.