Tan And Min-jung.

Tan walked inside the 'Hire A Girlfriend' office building, and all eyes were on him. He couldn't tell whether it was because of his handsome looks and majestic strides or it was because they couldn't fathom why a person like him was in such a place.

He didn't care. The only way that he would spare any of them a thought was if they were his Min-jung or they wore a t-shirt with her face printed on it.

He made his way to the reception desk where a beautiful young lady sat, "I want to see your boss right now," He ordered.

The receptionist looked at him and glanced at the other persons who had been waiting for a long time to see her boss.

It was probably the authority with which he spoke that had her scurrying from behind her desk.

She came back a few seconds later to usher him into the office.

"Why did you send me someone else's picture?" He asked, ignoring the outstretched hand waiting for a handshake.

"You asked for Min-jung's picture, and I sent it to you. I have no reason to send you a stranger's picture," The man said, annoyed at Tan's attitude.

"That wasn't the person that came to my house unless you're calling me blind or stupid, and I don't appreciate that either," He said, his eyes flashing with anger.

"What do you want? Can you sit down and tell me exactly what you want me to do for you?" The man asked, not liking how the conversation was going.

Tan tried to calm down, anger wasn't going to solve his problem, and neither was aggression going to help him find his Min-Jung.

He sat down and took in a deep breath. "Sorry about my outburst. What I'm saying is, the person in that picture you sent isn't the same person that came to my house." He said with deliberate slowness.

"That isn't possible. I'll just call her and ask her over the phone," The man said as he dialed Min-Jung's number. It rang several times, but she didn't pick up.

"She isn't picking up her call, but I can assure you this is all a misunderstanding. I'll get across to her and invite her over tomorrow, and you can come over tomorrow as well. So we resolve this," Min-Jung's boss said with a worried frown.

"I'll be waiting for your call. I'm sure you have a lot of people to see. I won't take more of your time," Tan said as he stood up to leave.


Tan dialed Ji-Tae's number, and after the first few rings, he picked up, "Hello, bro?" Ji-Tae asked from the other end of the line.

"I'm sure you're busy at work. I'm in Seoul and will be heading to your house," He said as he drove over to Ji-Tae's house.

"That's the best news I've heard in a long time. I'll try to round up as soon as I can." He said, hanging up the call.


At that same time, Min-Jung was sneaking into Ji-Tae's house. She knew his security passcode after all. Since he would be at work and she knew Nana hardly ever visited him at home, especially not during work hours, it was safe.

His house was always quiet and lonely, apart from those few days in the week when his housekeeper came around to clean and stock the refrigerator with different dishes.

She could tell he would try to push everything on her, that bastard. She would have to teach him that she was too smart to be messed with.

She dialed the security passcode, and the door opened. The rat didn't even think it wise to change his passcode, and he must think her to be stupid.

She just wanted to ransack his house until she found something useful she could use against him.

She went straight to his home office. He never allowed her inside there whenever they were together, she pulled out the table drawers and looked through his files, but she could find nothing.

She went to his shelves and started looking through the books; she knew most people liked to hide things inside books.

"Who are you, and what are you doing there?" Tan asked, making Min-Jung jump in surprise as the book fell off her hands.

She hadn't been expecting anyone, and the voice didn't belong to Ji-Tae unless the person behind her was a thief. She concluded as she gradually turned around to see who it was.

They both gasped in surprise the moment they recognized each other.


Mi Cha couldn't stop laughing as she conversed with Nana and Mr. Lee on their way to check out the few houses Nana had shown her.

She liked both father and daughter. They had a funny relationship.

While Nana tried to be professional because of her client, Mr. Lee kept bringing up funny topics about Nana's childhood to entertain Mi Cha.

By the time Mr. Lee dropped Nana and Mi Cha at the first house, Mi Cha could swear she had known Nana since childhood. She was sure she could practically write a book on Nana.

"I'm sorry about that. My father doesn't seem to know when to stop," Nana apologized to Mi Cha with an embarrassed smile as they entered the building.

"It's fine, really, and I enjoyed every bit of the conversation. Thanks to your dad, I feel like we've been childhood friends," Mi Cha said in between giggles making Nana join in the laughter.

Nana decided she liked Mi Cha. The young lady was really cool and had a good sense of humor.

"I'm sorry to ask, but what do you do for a living?" Nana suddenly asked while opening the door.

When Mi Cha stared blankly at her, wondering what the question was about, Nana shook her head.

"I should have asked earlier. Your kind of job should determine the environment you live in; if you're a writer, you'll need a quiet environment. If you're an artist, you'll need light and space and bla bla," Nana said, moving her hands wildly around the room.

"Oh! I see! That shouldn't be a problem," Mi Cha said, walking around the house and looking into the empty rooms with her voice echoing.

"And why is that?" Nana asked curiously, following from behind.

"I'm a model. I've lived my life away from people for so long; right now, I just want to live around people. I'm ok with the choices we made earlier. So let's look around; thank you," She said, moving into the main bedroom to check the bathroom.

"Really? You do look it though," Nana said, eyeing her appearance. That explained her figure and overall appearance, Nana thought.

"Thanks for the observation, ma'am," Mi Cha said, chuckling gently.

"So what do you think?" Nana asked after the inspection.

"Well, it's not bad. But I will rather decide after seeing the other houses before making any final decision. I would love to have my elder brother check out the house for his approval if you don't mind," Mi Cha said.