"Look Who We Have Here!"

"So, what was it you wanted us to talk about?" Nana asked Min-Jung immediately after Mi Cha left her presence.

"Tan is asking questions. He even came down to Seoul to meet my boss," Min-jung said, deliberately leaving out the part about having met him.

Nana's heart skipped at the thought of it, "What did he say he wanted?" Nana asked, unable to believe he would go to such lengths to look for her.

"What do you think he wants if not you? What did you really do with him anyway? I thought I told you not to get involved. The rule was simple, 'do the job and leave,' so why all this complications?" Min-Jung asked a bit more harshly than she had intended to.

"I'm sorry things got complicated. What should we do? Should I just meet him and resolve everything? Besides, I still remember you trying to make me give him a chance when I told you about his advances anyway," Nana reminded her.

"I was only kidding. And no, you can't contact him, ever. I'll just find a way around it. Just leave it all to me," Min-jung quickly corrected as she thought about the possibility of Tan and Ji-tae finding out about everything. She couldn't afford to let them meet under such circumstances.

Nana frowned in confusion, and she couldn't understand why Min-jung didn't want her to step in and speak to Tan.

"Are you sure? Tan is very stubborn, and I can assure you he won't stop until he gets what he's looking for," Nana said, making Min-jung narrow her eyes at her.

"You no longer call him names? No more 'rich guy' or 'conceited buffoon'? it's now just Tan?" Min-Jung asked with curiosity registered on her face.

"Well, under the circumstance, name-calling isn't necessary. We should deal with the issue on ground," Nana said, pretending not to understand what Min-jung was driving at.

"So how come you fought with a Governor's daughter? When my boss mentioned it, I was really shocked, but I couldn't let him know I wasn't the one. Thank goodness your face wasn't exposed," Min-Jung said.

"I had no idea who she was, I can assure you. But I'm sure I would have done the same thing even if I had known. She's such an arrogant person. Can you believe she emptied a glass of wine on me?" Nana said, clenching her fists in anger as she recalled the incident.

"What did you do to deserve such a treatment?" Min-Jung asked as she laughed at Nana's annoyed facial expression.

"Nothing, my job was to act as his girlfriend, and I did it. Which normal girlfriend would allow another girl to hover around her man like a vulture on a carcass?" Nana asked, sounding more annoyed than was necessary.

"You're sure you were acting as his girlfriend, or you forgot it was just business and was being a girlfriend? You like him, don't you?" Min-jung asked when she saw the embarrassed look on Nana's face.

"Admit it; you like him. When last did you speak to Ji-Tae?" Min-Jung asked, trying to find out information from Nana directly.

"Honestly, Min-Jung, I wanted to talk to you about this, but I was worried you would be upset. I like him, and I'm planning on breaking up with Ji-Tae. I can't like one guy while dating another guy," She said, bowing her head shamefully, so she missed the smile on Min-Jung's face.

"I understand, but you know there's no way you can date Tan. Unless you want to expose everything, and we promised it would remain between us," Min-Jung said, giving her a distressed look.

"I'm tired. Let's drink Soju," Nana suggested as she called the waiter.

"You're going to work tomorrow; you shouldn't get drunk," Min-Jung admonished her.

"I can handle myself. You have nothing to worry about," Nana said as she drank directly from the bottle of soju.

"So you don't love Ji-Tae anymore?" Min-Jung asked her.

"He's a good person and doesn't deserve to be stuck with a lady that loves someone else," Nana said regretfully.

Min-Jung watched Nana with a funny expression on her face. Ji-Tae, a good person? She guessed he only showed Nana his good side; she knew better than to think so highly of Ji-Tae.

Nana was such a lousy drinker. Min-Jung watched Nana and knew it was only a matter of seconds before her head hit the table. She took out her phone and called Nana's father to come and pick her up.

She waited until Nana's father drove Nana away in his cab before she left.

Unknowing to them, the private investigator Jin-A had hired snapped both Nana and Min-Jung from the distance while they conversed.


"Boss, someone else seems to be following her or her friend; I don't know who exactly, but I saw someone snapping them as they conversed."

The man, in the shadows, reported to his boss.

"Find out who the person is following and why. Do so discreetly... Make sure you don't get discovered but most importantly, make sure Nana doesn't get hurt," The boss instructed.

"Yes sir," The man in the shadows said as he dropped the call.

Instead of following Mr. Lee's car, he followed the private investigator Jin-A had hired instead. He intended to find out who was behind the pictures and why the photos were snapped.


"So you mean to tell me she left without goodbyes?" Ji-Tae asked Tan drunkenly.

"Yea, she only left a note. I'm here to find her," Tan said, thinking of how to get Ji-Tae home in his current state.

He had to check on Mi Cha first to know if she had left Nana. He dialed her number several times, but it didn't connect.

"We have to go home, bud," Tan said as he raised Ji-Tae; they both fell heavily on the ground. Tan was also a bit drunk.

"Why did you push me down?" Ji-Tae asked as he tried getting up but fell again.

"We both fell, pal; I think we are drunk," Tan said logically.

The Barman just looked at the both of them, not knowing what to do.

"Did you drive yourself over, or did your driver bring you?" He directed his question to none of them but hoped one at least came with a driver.

"My driver is outside, is he?" Ji-Tae asked the Barman with dimmed eyes as he tried to focus on him.

"Give me your phone so I call him to come take you home, or you can call him yourself," He suggested as he noticed they were drawing attention to themselves.

Ji-Tae dialed his driver's number and passed the phone to the barman. The barman spoke with the driver and asked him to come take his boss home.

The driver came and helped Ji-Tae up, "Tan is coming home too; he can't drive either," He said. The driver, who had never seen Tan before, smiled at this new information.

So Tan was around? He would call Miss Jin-A immediately after he dropped them at home. They made collecting his cool cash a very simple job, and he was grateful.


Jin-A collected the envelope her butler handed to her. Immediately she got inside her room she tore it open.

It contained pictures her private investigator, who had been following Min-Jung, sent.

Min-Jung had been easier to follow because Nana was working, and the private investigator couldn't wait all day for her, unlike Min-Jung, whose location at the time had been Ji-Tae's family home.

She looked closely at the picture and recognized Nana's face. "Look who we have here!" She exclaimed with a wicked smile.