"Are You A Con Artist?"

"Chief? Nana is here with her young man," Suzy told Chairman Jiang from the doorway of his room.

"Tell them I'll be with them in a minute," He said as he quickly sat up and dropped his laptop. He had been seriously studying about Alzheimer's disease and dementia. He didn't want to leave any room for doubt in the mind of Kang Moon-Soo.

"How have you been?" He asked with a broad smile the moment his eyes fell on Nana, who quickly stood up to give him a hug.

"I've been very fine. I'm sure you're doing just fine yourself," She said with a smile before returning to her seat beside Tan, who bowed politely to him.

"When did you leave Incheon?" He asked, checking the time on his wristwatch.

"Yesterday evening," She told him before sipping from the cup of tea Suzy handed over to her.

"Why didn't you come over last night?" He asked with a frown.

"We had to deal with something first," Tan explained.