"Are You Okay?"

"What are you doing at home?" Madam Kang asked in surprise when Jin-A walked into the house that evening carrying some shopping bags.

"Is it a crime to come home?" Jin-A asked with a teasing smile, even though she really didn't feel like it.

It had been a really long day for her, and what she truly needed was a break from the world and everyone else, and the only place she could get it was probably in her home.

She had told the Detective they could come looking for her in her family home or at her office if they needed to question her further, but she had also told them not to come as policemen. She didn't want her parents to find out what was going on.

"No. As a matter of fact, I'm very happy that you're here. I was already worried I'd be staying alone in the house for some time, but now that you're here, I'm fine," Jin-A's mother said with a smile.

"Why? Where is father? Did he travel?" Jin-A asked with a hopeful expression on her face.