Wanna Bet?

Tae-Oh had noticed the look in her eyes earlier when he had moved his face very close to hers. He had actually wanted to kiss her when he moved close to her but had stopped himself when he realised she was expecting it.

He had gone over to his room to bring himself and his emotions under control. He had promised her he was going to be her friend and not pressure her into a relationship yet, but it was apparent his heart and body were not cooperating with him.

"So I was thinking... I've not heard you talk about your girlfriend the whole time we've been talking," Tae-oh said, cutting into Jin-A's thoughts as he stepped out of his bedroom.

"Girlfriend?" Jin-A asked, looking at him in confusion.

"Yes. The one I met the first time at your house. The lesb.." He stopped and flashed her a boyish grin when Jin-A glared at him.