Awkward Air.

Mrs. Choi's eyes widened in surprise when she opened her door and saw Min-Jun standing there with Eun-kyung beside him.

"Hi, Mom!" Eun-kyung said, flashing her mother a stiff smile before walking past her into the house. Min-Jun glanced at Mrs. Choi without saying a word as he followed Eun-kyung into the house.

" Why are you here?" She asked in confusion, her gaze darting from Eun-kyung to Min-jun.

"I hope Sang-Wook is in. I'm here to see the both of you," Min-Jun said as he looked around the house before walking over to a couch to make himself comfortable.

Min-Jun smiled when he saw how nervous Eun-kyung looked, "You really need to relax. I have everything under control," Min-Jun assured her as Mrs. Choi hurried into the house to get Sang-Wook.

No sooner had she disappeared inside before Min-jun saw her coming back behind Sang-Wook. "What are you doing here?" He asked in surprise, making Min-jun smile at him coldly.