Not Again.

"What is the problem?" Alex asked when he noticed the way Min-Jung simply kept pushing her food around her plate.

"Did my dream make you sad?" Selena asked, blinking at her innocently.

"No. Not at all, darling. It was a beautiful dream," Min-Jung hurried to assure her with a smile. She was grateful that her mother had slept off immediately after her back hit the bed and so wasn't there to see what was going on.

Alex simply kept staring at her as he tried to figure out what was going on in her head. Was she possibly thinking about her miscarriage, and that was what was making her upset?

"Okay, pumpkin, let's go get you ready for bed," Alex said and pushed away from the table. "Let's talk after I've put her to sleep," Alex told Min-Jung as he picked up Selena and strode out of the dining room with her in his arms.