Lost But Found.

Mrs. Park watched from a distance, with her sunglasses on, until their cars had totally disappeared from sight before driving down to where their vehicles had been parked earlier. She was dressed in a white jumpsuit, but a black shawl was draped around her head, and it covered her new face. She got out of her car and headed for Ji-Tae's gravestone.

She wasn't scared of being seen by anyone since she knew no one would ever recognize her. She had gone all out in covering her tracks. The lady whose ashes had been sprayed over Ji-Tae's grave was a random stranger who had been suffering from a terminal disease and had little time left.

The lady had offered her body in exchange for money for her child, who she was leaving behind. Mrs. Park had gotten a cosmetic surgeon to work on the lady and make her look exactly like her so she could pass for her and be buried in her place.